Until recently studies of puberty and early adulthood in Asian societies (many by non- Asians) have tended to have either a narrow focus or to be tinged with notions of Asia as being exotic. Hence discussions of marriage, courtship and sexuality have been concerned with structural and institutional aspects of kinship rather than social and interpersonal dimensions. Likewise, writings have focused on difference in sexuality and gender: eunuchs, footbinding, suttee, etc. In recent years, first feminist considerations, and now concerns with HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases have led to new thinking in this field, as can be seen in the exciting new perspectives and directions evident in this volume. The experience of puberty, explorations with sexuality and courtship, the games and risks these involve, and the pressure to reproduce are a few of the human tensions central to this volume. The perspectives and new empirical data will be of interest to a range of social scientists but also to NGOs and policymakers interested in youth and public health issues.