这些普通而又可爱的外国朋友用最朴实的语言讲述了他们在中国的亲身经历,以及所见所闻、所思所想,把这些记录下来汇集成书,就有了《我的中国见闻》。本系列书每册包含十余人的讲述,或长或短,客观公正地在读者面前展示出一幅幅当今中国各个角度的画面,一段段生动有趣的异国经历的片段,于是,一个充满活力的中国跃然纸上。希望更多的读者能够通过这套小书走近中国,也希望更多的外国朋友加入续写“我的中国见闻”的作者队伍,告诉那些没有到过中国、对中国的现状不甚了解的人们:真实的中国其实是这样的…… These ordinary and charming international citizens used the clearest language to tell their personal experiences in China, including what they saw, heard, and thought. We compiled them into a series titled My China Experience. Each volume within this series contains over ten peoples’ narrations, with various opinions and length as well as objectively and fairly presenting readers with a view of today’s China from various angles. These vivid and interesting cross-cultural experiences faithfully capture different aspects of a vibrant China.