For example, we might be unhappy if we deposit our paycheck on Monday, but the bank bounces our rent check the following Friday because it reordered our deposit after your withdrawal. (查看原文)
深入学习一个领域最好的方法就是读这个领域权威人物写的教材,最好是每章后面带有chapter notes的那种,共享内存并发同步领域的The Art of Multiprocessor Programming这本书就是如此,作者M. Herlihy本身就提出了并发同步相关的很多重要理论和方法。全书以一致的风格介绍领域...
This book is very new. I'm still wondering why the authors titled this book multeprocessors instead of much more eye-attractive multicore. Maybe they tought they are actually the same unsolved problems. Parallelization came from very specific domains like O...
作者是该领域的权威,译者也不是无名之辈,但翻译质量实在太差了。 以前言的第二段部分内容为例: Readers should know enough discrete mathematics to understand “big-O” notation, and what it means for a problem to be NP-complete. It is helpful to be familiar wit...