J. ROBERT OPPENHEIMER, his friend Isidor Rabi once remarked, was ‘a man who was put together of many bright shining splinters’, who ‘never got to be an integrated personality’. What prevented Oppenheimer from being fully integrated, Rabi thought, was his denial of a centrally important part of himself: his Jewishness.
No such thought could have entered Oppenheimer’s mind, no matter who he was looking at. There was no group to whom he could point and say, ‘These are my people’, and not just because of his ambivalence about his Jewish background. It was also because that background itself, regardless of Oppenheimer’s feelings about it, could not have provided him with the sense of belonging and, therefore, the sense of identity that Rabi thought was missing in him. Rabi, despite his lack of ... (查看原文)
Unlike Karl Compton, Dirac was not impressed by Oppenheimer’s knowledge of and interest in literature. On the contrary, he rather disapproved of it. Once he remarked to Oppenheimer: ‘I don’t see how you can work on physics and write poetry at the same time. In science, you want to say something nobody knew before, in words everyone can understand. In poetry, you are bound to say something that everybody knows already in words that nobody can understand.’
Talking about the time just after the initial formulation of quantum mechanics, he remarked: ‘It was very easy in those days for any second-rate physicist to do first-rate work.’ What he meant, he explained, was that, once the mathematical techniques of quantum mechanics had been developed: It was then an interesting game people could play... (查看原文)
今天,每每提及 “奥本海默”这个名字,大部分人们首先想到的也许都会是诺兰电影中那看着蘑菇云说出“Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds”的悲情英雄吧。在二战愁云的阴影中,带着顶尖科学家们研发出了原子弹的奥本海默,如同普罗米修斯——那个盗取火种的天神—...
10 有用 ly的读享生活 2024-05-20 09:59:00 浙江
0 有用 小点 2024-10-09 12:50:45 四川
1.写哲学家就讲他的哲学,写物理学家就讲他的物理,这可能是理解传主的有用道路。这本书讲的海森堡不确定性原理甚至是我看过的最清楚的版本。 2.跟同辈名家相比,奥本海默选题目的境界确实差了一点。另外由于数学能力相对不够好,也发表了不少错误的结果,不过不影响学生拿学位,也没有影响他成为名家。 3.还是有很多莫名其妙的矛盾和谜题没有解释,不知道是纯粹的非理性的邪恶,还是没有足够的资料。 4.在政治迫害和麦... 1.写哲学家就讲他的哲学,写物理学家就讲他的物理,这可能是理解传主的有用道路。这本书讲的海森堡不确定性原理甚至是我看过的最清楚的版本。 2.跟同辈名家相比,奥本海默选题目的境界确实差了一点。另外由于数学能力相对不够好,也发表了不少错误的结果,不过不影响学生拿学位,也没有影响他成为名家。 3.还是有很多莫名其妙的矛盾和谜题没有解释,不知道是纯粹的非理性的邪恶,还是没有足够的资料。 4.在政治迫害和麦克锡主义大行其道的时代,那些人依然自认为自由世界,也许是因为确实不怎么直接肉体压迫。 5.傲慢,偏见,虚荣等人类行为的心理机制甚至生理机制也许很值得研究。 6.题外话,最近发生的事让人看到任何有关犹太的赞美和美德可能都需要重新理解一下,他们的用同一个词表达的观念很可能和我们认为的很不相同。 (展开)
0 有用 斯坦利 2024-11-26 17:01:57 山东
0 有用 丢蛋池肯 2024-05-29 14:21:59 北京
8 有用 扭腰客 2024-06-11 15:48:11 上海