[委内瑞拉]阿里亚娜·诺伊曼 出版社:上海社会科学院出版社 出品方:风之回响RESONANCE 副标题: 父亲的战争及其遗存 原作名: When Time Stopped: A Memoir of My Father's War and What Remains 译者:
子扉我 出版年: 2024-12 页数: 368 定价: 68 装帧: 平装 ISBN: 9787552041309
My father, who always appeared so distant, with a sternness that seemed rooted in the worries of all humanity. He was constantly trying to solve problems, always weighted down by the existence of evil and injustice.
You have to fight. Not with violence but with your mind, not for people but for ideas. Fight and work for what you believe in.
I wanted to scream but my jaw was locked. I had no air left inside, my lungs were made of stone. I sat on the step of the building hallway, leaned my head against the yellow wall, and cried. (查看原文)
But this was only a fragment of the whole truth. he was doing whatever he could to bury an unwavering pain under layer upon layer of work. He was simply attempting to escape his past. Reading his words, i was sad for the person who my father had been, the shambolic poet, the prankster, the unfortunate boy whose heart had been shattered. I cried on reading the gentle voice of that grieving young man, little more than a child.
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I have learned the useful skill of appearing to listen without letting the words get past my ears. i had to be able to hear without letting it affect me or betray my feelings. (查看原文)
"When Time Stopped: A Memoir of My Father's War and What Remains" is an evocative and deeply moving memoir by author Ariana Neumann. Through the lens of her father's harrowing experiences during World War II, Neumann invites readers into an exploration of m...
1 有用 T cHe 2024-12-12 15:00:22 海南
0 有用 mykite 2024-12-27 08:45:51 河北
0 有用 小豆丁 2025-02-04 22:01:21 四川
-“时间怎么能停止呢?” -“因为,有时候你就是觉得,你周围的一切都结束了。你觉得你完全是独自一人,时间冻住了,你隐身了。一开始,你会因为这种自由感而感到兴奋。但接着你就害怕了,害怕走失,再也回不去。”
0 有用 Cheer.S 2025-02-20 12:25:08 江苏
以侦探解谜的方式,通过对相关人士身后遗物的整理,追溯了父亲的过往,和家族友人在大屠杀背景之下的真实经历。当碎片一点点行程一副完整的历史图景,所有的人物在故事的重述中复活,我终于理解了父亲终其一生的缄默与隐藏,理解了他不知疲倦地工作是为了埋葬过去对抗痛苦,理解了他为什么会在半夜用我听不懂的语言绝望地大叫,理解了他为什么在腿上出现红色小伤口时会惊恐地以为有人要杀他,理解了他是如何从那个昵称倒霉小囡的不... 以侦探解谜的方式,通过对相关人士身后遗物的整理,追溯了父亲的过往,和家族友人在大屠杀背景之下的真实经历。当碎片一点点行程一副完整的历史图景,所有的人物在故事的重述中复活,我终于理解了父亲终其一生的缄默与隐藏,理解了他不知疲倦地工作是为了埋葬过去对抗痛苦,理解了他为什么会在半夜用我听不懂的语言绝望地大叫,理解了他为什么在腿上出现红色小伤口时会惊恐地以为有人要杀他,理解了他是如何从那个昵称倒霉小囡的不拘一格的少年变成了我印象中那个坚毅严肃一丝不苟的人。他强烈的求生欲望,用伪装与智慧在夹缝里幸存下来。作者也写到了许多其他鲜活而坚韧的生命,用自己的方式争取活下去,守护着尊严、自由和爱,生动、深刻而动人。时间没有停止,记忆留了下来。 (展开)
4 有用 风之回响 2024-11-15 12:53:36 上海