Police (3)

  • 第466页 38
    ...that Harry needed more affective control.He lacked the average person's ability to flee from what hurt,to forget,to focus his mind on nicer,lighter topics,He had used alcohol to cope with his jo...
  • 第158页 12
    Or was it the Case, the Fall, that has drained his energy, his initiative, leaving him in a state of mind in which daily routine appeared to be the sole escape from total collapse?
  • 第50页 5
    这样吐槽rickie fowler真的好么?ps.此人上周还拿了本田赛的冠军...... 挪威人原来真的也打高尔夫啊,游戏也算

Cockroaches (3)

  • 第242页 29
    1900年,元首在唐人街的大烟馆儿里睡觉 1998年,胡 sir在泰国的大烟馆儿里寻人 转首已是百年
  • 第281页 35
    a self-effacing woman in a social profession who is so beautiful no one has dared tell her rakel it is
  • 第292页 36
    yes,she stopped smoking. 分分钟秒变段子手...... 真是够了

The Bat (2)

  • 第129页 20 cricket
    武戏也是年轻的时候好 后来处处留疤,还丢了一些骨肉都是因为老了 redeemer的时候不就感叹自己老了么? 但是还是给人一种一个挪威土豪在土澳的感觉......
  • 第120页 a pleasant prostitute
    he was called Stiansen,my colleague. Ronny. 所以,ronny才是一切的开端? ellen,halvorsen以及后面的一串名字都是ronny的延续? 珍爱生命,远离harry hole

Phantom (1)

  • 第480页
    siberian switchblade+makarov 终于完成了刀枪不入(or 入了也没什么用)的伟业 不能细想,有些事 就一直好好的待在oslo——你的城里吧