On Intelligence的书评 (8)

雪小豹说 2009-09-05 10:58:07


因为进化的结果提供了无限试错的经验,可以节省很多时间去重新探索。 there are four attributes of neocortical memory that are fundamentally different from computer memory: • The neocortex stores sequences of patterns. • The neocortex recalls patterns a...  (展开)
Planet_ 2018-04-06 04:42:23

讨论课作业:An Essay on Jeff Hawkins’ On Intelligence

I. Introduction On Intelligence, it is a masterpiece anyway. Despite the fact that this book on the theories of intelligence is filled with Jeff Hawkins’ excessive self-esteem and seems to be a little bluffing, the scope it provides us with as well as its ...  (展开)
讷德 2015-11-06 14:29:53


Hawkings坚信人脑的基本原理是简单的,是可以通过一个简洁优雅的理论框架来解释清楚的。一旦我们找到了框架的真相,我们就可以创造出媲美人脑的智能机器。 然而,在真相揭露之前,人类可能会被大量无关紧要的细节所困扰。人类在细节领域长期耕耘,会发现更多的(无关)细节,...  (展开)
FruitTree 2009-09-18 05:30:01

inaccurate and misleading

The author knows little about artificial intelligence after 1990 and little about neuroscience whatsoever. His idea is interesting but lack of evidence. Don't read it if you want to learn something. It is entertaining, but i only made it to page 60.... i wo...  (展开)
Silva 2021-05-16 21:47:23


2015年,我接触到这本书,深受启发,找到了Numenta,搭建了Nupic,转身投入DL的大潮; 2017年,在一次人工智能暑期学校上,问了Juergen Schmidhuber对于这本书的看法,Juergen说“Hawkins, he knows nothing about Intelligence” 2021年,我依然没有搞清楚Juergen为什么持此观...  (展开)
Manyorone 2019-12-25 10:49:31

Bull's Eye on Some Key Predictions

Published in 2004, the book was written by Jeff Hawkins’ the inventor of Palm Pilot - meaningful for those of us who experienced the excitement of the first usable PDA. It presents a semi scientific theory of what intelligence is - the memory-prediction mo...  (展开)
lbrain 2016-03-14 16:21:16


在对大脑有一个基本认识之前,一切所谓机器学习人工智能都是耍流氓。这也是为什么各位大佬搞了这么多年却连个会走路的机器人都搞不出来的原因。谷歌最新的进展让人眼前一亮,脑科学的研究也成为了当今世界的热门乃至主流。 Jeff这本书对于it人理解生物机理,抽象ai底层模型很...  (展开)
Tuck 2012-06-24 19:33:00


Mountcastle: common cortical algorithm +p.120-125 (a new view of V1) memory-prediction framework +chapter 7 (creativity&mind/body) p.116 Therefore the neural activity corresponding to the mental perception of objects, such as spoken words, must last longer...  (展开)

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