A Game of Thrones的书评 (23)

Yen 2014-12-23 19:52:19

羅伯特‧拜拉席恩(Robert Baratheon )的政治藝術


金庸曾經在碧血劍的結語說:“我想藉由袁承志來描寫兩個人,一個是袁崇煥,另一個則是金蛇郎君。”同樣是設計虛擬的人物,G. R. Martin 卻的羅伯特寫的比金庸成功得多。 羅伯特‧拜拉席恩(Robert Baratheon)小時候曾跟弟弟史坦尼斯(Stannis Baratheon)生活過一段...  (展开)
惊人的土豆 2011-06-21 03:25:45



很难说清楚这是一部怎样的小说,它不像传统的奇幻故事,这里没有明显的正邪之争,没有真正意义上的主角,也没有一条清晰的把故事串成一起的主线。 首先,这是一部关于政治的小说,就像书名所揭示的,这是game of thrones。权力游戏的锦标,是Seven Kingdoms的王位。以家族连结...  (展开)
一一 2015-05-04 13:11:59


正在读原著,和电视剧有不少差异,慢慢更新 1.年龄:原著的年龄普遍比剧中要小很多(至少看起来)。大概是要有个提前量,以防剧情进展太快而演员成熟得太慢吧?Ned出场是35岁(而书中说他辅助Robert大战夺位是在15年前,也就是20岁那年!)!Jon14岁,Robb14,Sansa11,其他...  (展开)
啊不错 2013-12-16 20:35:57


好不容易把英文原版看完了。我是先被电视剧吸引然后才来看小说的。总结一下《权力的游戏》遗留下来的几个谜团: 1. 至今仍讨论激烈的问题:Who are Jon's parents? 2. How did Jon Arryn die? What kind of character did Lysa play? 3. Littlefinger的目的是权力,but What do...  (展开)
郭发财 2012-01-30 00:46:57



好困哦,简单写写就睡觉了。 第一遍是看中文,那个时候看的很快,觉得故事还不错,不过算不上什么的特别厉害的作品。后来第二遍看了英文每看一章都觉得十分动容。注意到了很多没有注意过的细节,连一些景色描写都觉得安排的很用心。比如说高悬在战争之夜的月亮,划过天际的...  (展开)
何特肥 2011-01-24 13:38:04


读了一本书的中文版再读原版的快乐之一,你似乎突然知道了朋友们的真名——如果这是地海世界,想想真名的重要吧。Jon Snow亲切如兄弟,Theon Greyjoy疯狂如海怪。换个语言重构整个世界与所有人物,乐趣不减反增。 转中文版短评 http://book.douban.com/review/3463394/ (1...  (展开)
佳欢 2019-08-20 22:12:46

Better than the TV Series

The A Game of Thrones is the first book of A Song of Ice and Fire series. After watching so much from the TV series, I decided to read the book as well. In my TV experience, the original book is always better than the adaptation. This is approved to be true...  (展开)
童年 2015-10-03 13:06:54


战略篇 1. Whenever you play the game of thrones, you either win or die. There is no middle ground. 在权利的游戏中,你不当赢家,就只有死路一条,没有中间地带。 2. Some war against sword and spear to win, and the others the crow and the paper to win. 有的胜利...  (展开)
2024年的ks 2015-10-02 13:40:55

The Second English Novel Done

It takes a long time beyond my imagine to complete the reading, A Game of Thornes, which is the first book of The Song of Ice and Fire series (I should confess that I read lots of other books during the period as a result of losing patience. ). It deserve...  (展开)
Maverick 2023-01-21 13:02:55

A Game of Thrones·读后

【2023年的第一本书】《A Game of Thrones》。以前听到过一句话,善良也需要有牙齿。读完这本书之后感觉还可以加上一条,正义也需要有脑子。狼爸爸显然是这个结论的反面教材。在牙齿与脑子“余额不足”的问题上,我觉得他真的没比龙哥哥和乔大帝好到哪去。所以狼妈妈一语成谶“...  (展开)
Verlocksss 2022-12-23 07:09:10


对于我来说,《冰与火之歌》可以说算是启蒙了我对世界、对人理解的作品。也许这听起来非常夸张,毕竟说到启蒙心智这种话题,从古至今浩瀚的古典作品似乎比《冰与火》这样的现代通俗小说有资格得多,但对于当时高中的我来说,阅读名著并没法给我带来什么东西,我没法理解那些间...  (展开)
佳欢 2019-02-06 14:05:07


A Game of Thrones is the first book of A Song of Ice and Fire series. After watching so much from the TV series, I decided to read the book as well. In my TV experience, the original book is always better than the adaptation. This is approved to be true whe...  (展开)
放弃了Bert 2017-11-05 12:03:17


Glorious! Compared with the TVseries, the character Catlyn Stark,the true lady who is smart,brave,sensitive and passionate, is far more impressive. The emotions and personality of her are more complex even than Ned. I'm afraid if I start reading A Clash of...  (展开)
李旺旺 2015-06-25 23:13:32

读书感受 慢慢更新


1 BRAN ·The morning had dawned clear and cold, with a crispness that hinted at the end of summer.这不就是夏日将尽,秋天来到时候的感觉吗。日常的景色在书里又有新的体会。 · Robb thought he was a wildling, his sword sworn to Mance Rayder, the King-beyond-the-...  (展开)
李旺旺 2015-06-25 23:13:32

读书感受 慢慢更新


1 BRAN ·The morning had dawned clear and cold, with a crispness that hinted at the end of summer.这不就是夏日将尽,秋天来到时候的感觉吗。日常的景色在书里又有新的体会。 · Robb thought he was a wildling, his sword sworn to Mance Rayder, the King-beyond-the-...  (展开)
家欢 2014-11-02 08:16:55

Worthy book to read if you have time

The A Game of Thrones is the first book of A Song of Ice and Fire series. After watching so much from the TV series, I decided to read the book as well. In my TV experience, the original book is always better than the adaptation. This is approved to be true...  (展开)
illusion 2011-09-09 19:13:38


1. 阅读进度比我想象中快得多,尽管大量中世纪武器服饰装备的生词很折磨人,但好处是同样由于语言障碍不太能够跳着看,所以事实上比阅读中文还要来得细致一些。 2. 当然作者写得也着实有够细致,倒底是编剧出身,叙事方式画面感十足,字里行间直能看到镜头的晃动和层层推进。...  (展开)
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