A Feast for Crows的书评 (4)

legalkiwi 2020-08-19 15:44:41

How to Rule A Country

“How to Rule A Country” ---- A Feast for Crows, 4th Volume, A Song of Ice and Fire, 776 pages It’s a fast reading, finished in 2 weeks. Plowing through the cruel, bloody, while passionate plotline of A Storm of Swords, this book makes you feel as if come...  (展开)
heidy 2020-06-28 13:56:14

War is a feast for crows and nothing more

It’s about war, not just about how the power played the game of war, but also about how the common were suffered from it. One of the best chapters is the one depicting the war from the view of a septor, and yet this was left out by the show. Both Cercei an...  (展开)
Yen 2015-09-06 18:16:49



正如大家對第五季的評價,冰火從第四本開始,水平明顯下降;除了更多的嘮叨和舊事重提外,整個故事基本沒太多進展。在這些雜亂無序的故事裡,最讓我感動的是詹姆的部分。 詹姆‧蘭尼斯特(Jamie Lannister),於266 AC出生在凱岩城。在他十五六歲時,詹姆成為了最年輕的御林...  (展开)
乐乐乐了 2013-10-30 14:37:59


Tywin死了以后: Tyrion神经了,心理变态,见人就问尼玛where do whores go?(婊子会去哪) Cersei迫害妄想症和强迫症日渐严重,成天痴迷于扳倒Margery、酗酒、和烧君临。离全疯已然不远。 Jaime丢了魂,一天到晚虐心的要死,满脑子都是She's been fucking Lancel, the Kett...  (展开)

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