Middlemarch的书评 (4)

Clepsydra 2009-05-10 08:19:38

A thought about Middlemarch

http://www.douban.com/note/33165093/ According to my unscientific and by no means serious little survey, among the non-literary circles and common readers, it seems that more men than women have read Middlemarch. Is it simply because the ostensibly male pe...  (展开)
羊君 2020-04-25 22:30:16



可能现在提到Proper English,我会首先想到这本书。我一直觉得,任何作品如果耐看,甚至能穿越时间,必是自身形式语言本身就是美的。Middlemarch, 语言的质感没得说。熨贴,流畅,丰富。是素描的高手,能迅速地刻画一个形象;也是渲染的高手,归根结底,语言有间隙,有限的语言...  (展开)
dashan 2020-02-05 09:03:41


"誠然,他也對生活的種種可能有著夢境般的想象:這世上沒有人能既擁有激情又有思想,卻不思考他們所受的激情可能的結果;卻不發現腦海中浮現的想象時而以希望舒緩激情,或以失望刺痛激情。這雖然在我們每個人身上都發生過,對某些人,它的發生截然不同。[...] 他如何從他對Doro...  (展开)
钱小豪 2016-05-20 15:17:56

Book review for Middlemarch

Dorothea and Lydgate’s story lie parallel in their quest for the “truth” in life. Dorothea is always looking to apply herself, whether through intellectual assistance to her husband or financial support for the new hospital. Lydgate, on the other hand, h...  (展开)
