
  • 政治是人们制定、维系和修正其生活一般规则的活动。 (查看原文)
    吉莉安 2赞 2015-11-01 16:55:20
    —— 引自章节:1.1 政治的界定
  • 社会生活过程中资源的生产、分配和使用 (查看原文)
    吉莉安 2赞 2015-11-01 16:55:20
    —— 引自章节:1.1 政治的界定
  • 即通过任何的手段达到所期望结果的能力 (查看原文)
    吉莉安 2赞 2015-11-01 16:55:20
    —— 引自章节:1.1 政治的界定
  • 在社会学领域,官僚制一般被理解为特殊的组织形态,是一种行政体系而不是政府体系。这种意义上的官僚制不仅存在于民主和威权国家,而且在企业、工会和政党等内部都存在 (查看原文)
    李潇潇 2赞 2020-08-29 22:51:52
    —— 引自章节:13.1 官僚制理论
  • 现代自由主义的特征,是对国家干预持较为赞同的态度。 在美国,人们甚至总是用 “ 自由派” 一词暗示对 “大政府 ” 而非 “ 最小” 政府的支持。这一转向的发生,是由于认识到工业资本主义只是造成了新的非正义,将大量民众弃于变化无常的市场中。 在约翰 ·密尔的著作影响之下,格林( T.H.Green,1836-1882 )、霍布豪斯(L.T.Hobhouse,1864-1929)以及霍布森(J.A.Hobson,1858-1940)等所谓新自由主义者,开始支持一种更广泛的“积极”(positive)的自由观。在他们看来,自由的意思并不只是不加干预,这种自由不过意味着饥饿穷困的自由而已;相反,自由 应与个人的发展和成功相联系,也就是个人应有能力获得自我实现。 (查看原文)
    [已注销] 1赞 2011-07-04 21:59:37
    —— 引自第47页
  • 多元主义一词在广义和狭义两种意义上使用。广义上讲,多元主义是信仰或支持差异性和多样性(存在许多事物)。作为描述性术语,多元主义用 来表示政党的竞争(政治多元主义)、多样性的道德价值(道德多元主义) 或者多种文化规范(文化多元主义)。作为规范性术语,它表明差异是有益 且可取的,通常因为它能够保护个人自由,促进辩论、讨论和理解。狭义上讲,多元主义是一种政治权力的分配理论,认为权力在社会中广泛且平均的分布,而非集中在精英或统治阶级手中。这种多元主义通常被视为“ 团体政治”理论,个人多通过加入组织化团体来反映其利益,而所 有的这些团体都有能够接近政策过程的渠道。 (查看原文)
    [已注销] 2011-07-04 22:08:08
    —— 引自第76页
  • A Parliamentary system of government is one in which the government governs in and through the assembly, thereby ‘fusing’ the legislative and executive branches. Although they are formally distinct, the assembly and the executive (usually seen as the government) are bound together in a way that violates the doctrine of the separation of powers, setting Parliamentary systems clearly apart from Presidential ones. (查看原文)
    公子镔 2011-08-29 00:47:40
    —— 引自第1页
  • List emphasized the economic importance of politics and political power, arguing, for instance, that state intervention should be used to protect infant industries from the rigours of foreign competition. In Germany, this system is founded on a link between industrial and financial capital in the form of a close relationship between business corporations nad regionally-based banks, which are often also major shareholders in the corporations. Social partnership makes a circumstance in which trade unions enjoy representation through works councils, and participate in annual rounds of wage negotation that are usually industry-wide. This relationship is underpinned by comprehensive and well-funded welfare provisions that provide workers and other vulnerable groups with social guarantees. In th... (查看原文)
    吴端 2019-08-19 20:20:47
    —— 引自第138页
  • However, the virtues of the social-market model are by no means universally accepted. One of its drawbacks is that, because it places such a heavy stress on consultation, negotiation and consensus, it tends to encourage inflexibility and make it difficult for businesses to adapt to changing market conditions (for example, economic globalization and intensified competition from Eastern Europe, Latin America and East Asia). Further strain is imposed by the relatively high levels of social expenditure required to maintain high-quality welfare provision. These push up taxes, and so burden both employers and employees. Where as the supporters of the social market insist that the social and the market are intrinsically linked, its critics argue that social capitalism is nothing more than a contr... (查看原文)
    吴端 2019-08-19 20:20:47
    —— 引自第138页
  • China's mixture of burgeoning capitalism and Stalinist political control has been remarkable effective in delivering sustained economic growth, benefiting from a huge supply of cheap labour and massive investment in the economic infrastructure. Whether "market Stalinism" will continue to remain a viable economic model as the twenty-first century progresses is, nevertheless, debatable. The major wider weakness of state capitalism is the contradiction between economic liberalism and non-liberalism political arrangements, as authoritarianism may either become a fetter on enterprise and innovation, or it may generate resentment and demands for political freedom that make such systems unsustainable. State capitalism will only constitute a viable alternative to western-based capitalist models if... (查看原文)
    吴端 2019-08-19 20:20:47
    —— 引自第138页