《Mary K. Greer's 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card》的原文摘录

  • 同理心的角色   塔罗读牌人通常能共情到问卜者的情绪,能从其细微表现中看到他们的解读是否正中靶心。然而共情并不仅于此,我们用它来了解对他人而言什么才是正确与高贵的,用无条件积极关注的态度认识那些日常生活里的勇气。使用来访者的语言是简单的做法,这是尊敬其感觉与重视其现有能力的关键。当一个人说高塔牌“吹垮了她的大脑”时,在你这次解读这张牌时把这句话用上,即使你以前从未这样子解读这张牌。   共情的方法会去寻找将痛苦转换成幸福的方式,将痛苦情绪移动到疗愈的道路上。作为塔罗读牌人你的工作是去发现如何用牌扩展问卜者对当下的理解。无条件地假设问卜者都是诚实、高贵且勇敢的能够鼓励他们去超越目前被局限的姿态。 (查看原文)
    炎翅膀 1赞 2013-11-29 00:21:33
    —— 引自第14页
  • All your perceptions, descriptions, and metaphors reflect who you are at the moment, the values you hold, and the choices you make. (查看原文)
    炎翅膀 1赞 2014-04-11 16:30:01
    —— 引自第71页
  • When working with another, accept whatever the person says at face value, as if it were a small gem. If you feel the person is resisting something, that's okay. That person may not be ready to look at it right now or it will come out at a later point in the reading. (查看原文)
    炎翅膀 2014-04-11 17:01:23
    —— 引自第78页
  •  Reader: What should the person in the Five of Cups do next?  Querent: Think about what's been lost.  Reader: No! It's time to stop doing that. You need to pick up the two remaining cups and move on.  Well, the querent just learned, yet again, how disappointingly wrong he is, how he should hang his head in shame (as depicted on the card). This reader, insensitive to the querent, merely looked for a quick fix. What if grieving or contemplating the loss was the best thing the querent could do? This tarot reader negated such a possibility because of a generalized assumption about what the card "should" mean and what would correct a "problem."  It's often assumed that the answers are in the cards and that we, as readers, should point them out. But whose answers? And what if there are no answe... (查看原文)
    炎翅膀 2014-04-11 17:30:32
    —— 引自第83页
  • Tarot readings are based, at least in part, on the assumption that meaning will enable you to predict and control the future, in order to enhance and protect you. To some extent it may do so, but only temporarily. The situation, if not seen for what it is, will come back in the same or different guise. Ultimately, a reading offers the ability to consciously participate in whatever is happening. The alternative, to turn away, will only create more issues and more pain. A reading can be a messenger from the soul, helping you greet whatever frightens or disturbs you. It helps you see how you hold back from the experience and try to escape it. Such escape is the basis of addictions and habits, created originally to protect you but which become limitations, shutting down the spontaneity of the ... (查看原文)
    炎翅膀 2014-04-11 21:05:13
    —— 引自第96页