
  • 他是他自己完整人格的奴隶 (查看原文)
    bluekinty 7赞 2015-08-21 15:16:50
    —— 引自第108页
  • 因为她真正喜欢做的,是独自在别墅阳台上用餐。在一个六月的黄昏,当天色还亮的时候在那里吃饭,饭后坐在那儿,等夜的温柔渐渐笼罩住她,这是一种喜悦,玛丽觉得自己永远不会厌倦。这给她一种美好的平静感觉,但这种平静却不是呆滞、空洞的平静,而是一种活泼的、令人兴奋的平静,在这种平静中,她的头脑机警,而她的感觉敏锐。 (查看原文)
    辉夜姬 2赞 2012-11-01 14:10:05
    —— 引自第14页
  • 要我说讨厌什么东西的话,那就是小提琴了。怎么会有人想要听人用马尾巴去摩擦一只死猫的肠子,我永远也不会明白。 (查看原文)
    紫蕙 2赞 2013-05-19 00:18:14
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  • 我认为你是我见过的最美的女人。 你跟多少女人说过这话呢? 很多,但这不代表我现在说这句话就不是真的了。 (查看原文)
    狗极都5hin 1赞 2013-09-13 16:45:40
    —— 引自第21页
  • 无论一个女人对他怀有怎样的偏见,他只消跟他混上半个钟头就可以把她的心融化,一会儿她就根本不相信人家说他的一切坏话了。然而如果你问她看上了他的什么呢,她又难以回答。他当然并不怎么漂亮,外表也毫无突出之处,看上去就像车行里任何一个机匠;他穿的漂亮衣服好像是工装,但他好像也并不在意外貌怎么样。这个人似乎对什么事情都无所谓,即使对恋爱也是如此,这是最恼人的;他做得很明显,他在女人身上所要求的只有一桩事情,他的冷酷无情是在太让人受不了。但是他自有一种潜力会使你神魂颠倒—浮喧的态度中寓有文雅,嬉笑之间有动人的热力,他又本能地把女人认为是人类之外的另一种生物,这尤其使女人觉得异样受宠若惊;此外还有他嘴上显现的色情和灰眼珠儿的诱惑。 (查看原文)
    Bemillions 2赞 2014-09-30 22:13:44
    —— 引自章节:二
  • 你知道,人生在世,差不多人人都有一个时刻,觉得是快乐到了极点,不禁心里会说:‘上帝呀,但愿我能在此刻死去。’是的,他达到了那个时刻,产生了那种情绪,所以他死了。” (查看原文)
    青岛代言人 ✨ 1赞 2022-07-25 23:26:41
    —— 引自章节:None
  • 她毁掉她对他的信念,他永远也不会再对她有信心。但是他不是会收回提议的人,当她出于意志告诉他,她本可以不说出来的事情时,他只能以慷慨大度回报她的坦诚;他已经准备要牺牲自己的事业和名垂青史的机会去娶她,而她略微感觉到他从这项牺牲的前景中,获得一种类似苦中之乐的东西,这不是因为他非常爱她所以值得这么做,而是因为他的牺牲增强了他的自负。她对他了解够深,知道他永远也不会怪她,只会怪自己因为她的缘故而必须放弃这么多东西,但是她也知道,以他对工作的经历和热情,以他的雄心来说,他会永远为这失去的机会懊恼。……他是自己正直人品下的奴隶。 (查看原文)
    辉夜姬 1赞 2012-11-01 14:13:35
    —— 引自第103页
  • 我要坦白跟你说,艾格,当你要担任孟加拉总督的职务时,你会有许多事要做,而我也会有很多事;毕竟我是个凡人,而这个职位也令人羡慕,即使我只是喜欢你,这也足够了。我们将会有许多共同的兴趣,所以我爱你或是不爱你并不太重要。可是如果我们要在里维埃拉过平静的日子,从早到晚没什么事情可做,那么唯一可能的情况,就是我要爱你像你爱我那么的深。 (查看原文)
    辉夜姬 1赞 2012-11-01 14:20:45
    —— 引自第106页
  • 六月的黄昏,夜晚还未到来的时分,在那儿吃晚饭,饭后坐着静候夜之轻柔的气氛渐渐围将拢来,这种情景给予玛丽永不厌倦的喜悦。它给予她一种美妙的安宁之感,不是懒散的空虚的安宁,而是有生气的动人的安宁;她置身其间,头脑灵活,神经敏感。 (查看原文)
    雪影 1赞 2013-12-02 21:22:39
    —— 引自第13页
  • “我想离开此地,劳利。” “我看你应该离开此地。换个环境对你有好处。” “你带我这样真心诚意。我走了会觉得身边少了你。” “可是我想以后我们将常在一起的。” “这话怎么说?” “唔,因为据我看来,你现在只有嫁我了。” (查看原文)
    vanvan 1赞 2015-05-28 19:54:16
    —— 引自第116页
  • “你要知道,我亲爱的,我的长处是:我是个坏蛋。许多人都为我的所作所为骂我;我想他们也不错;不过我总觉得从没有怎么伤害过任何人。女人喜欢我,我又生性多情,因此其余的事就几乎自然而然接着发生了。可是无论怎么样,我没有权利、也不高兴去指责别人的行为。‘自己活,也给人活’,那是我的格言。要明白,我不是帝国建造者,也决不是有好名声的循规蹈矩的人,而只是乐天知命,有一点钱,喜欢寻开心。你说我是个无赖汉,是个败家子。好吧,你来改好我,怎么样?我在肯尼亚有一点产业,原有一个帐房,他不行,要歇掉他。我想自己到那边去管理,倒也不错。也许这个时候我也该安定下来了。你会喜欢那边的生活的。” (查看原文)
    vanvan 1赞 2015-05-28 19:54:16
    —— 引自第116页
  • 你瞧,我亲爱的,我的长处就是我是个坏蛋。很多人责备我做过的事,我想他们没有错,不过我不认为我伤害过任何人。女人都喜欢我,我天生热情,其余的事情几乎是自然而然发生的,但是不管怎样,我既没有权利也没有意愿去责备别人做的事。 (You see,my dear,the advantage of me is that I'm a bad hat.A lot of people reproach me for the things I've done;I dare say they're right;I don't think I've done anyone much harm,women have liked me and I have naturally affectionate disposition,so the rest followed almost automatically;but anyhow I've got neither the right nor the inclination to reproach other people for what they've done.) (查看原文)
    Hatter 2赞 2011-03-19 21:04:52
    —— 引自第114页
  • You are surprised that I should say I was fed to the teeth with love. For years I only knew the humiliation of it. (查看原文)
    kinkajou 2012-02-02 16:17:58
    —— 引自第150页
  • 我说我有太多的爱情,你还感到惊讶。跟你说,多年来我只知道爱情的羞辱。 (查看原文)
    kinkajou 2012-02-02 16:17:58
    —— 引自第150页
  • with his smiling mouth and the good-humoured mockery of his grey eyes, of course not a person you could take seriously, but one who was easy to get on with. It suddenly occurred to Mary why notwithstanding his faults (and disregarding the great service he had rendered her) she felt so much at ease with him. You could be entirely yourself. You never had to pretend with him, first because he had a keen eye for any sort of humbug and only laughed at you, and then bacause he never pretend himself. (查看原文)
    Vickey 2012-03-09 16:45:18
    —— 引自第238页
  • "But I don't love you, Rowley." "I told you the other night, you will if you give yourself half a chance." She looked at him for some time, doubtfully, and then suddenly the gleam of a shy but faintly teasing smile stole into her lovely eyes. "I wonder if you're right", she murmured, "The other night, in the car, when those drunken people passed us and you held me in your arms, though I was scared to death, I don't mind admitting that while your lips were pressed to mine the sensation wasn't- entirely unpleasant. " He gave a great throaty chuckle. He jumped up and dragged her to her feet and flung his arms round her. He kissed her on the mouth. "So now what?" "Well, if you insist on marrying me .. But it's an awful risk we're taking." "Darling, that's what life's for- to take risks." (查看原文)
    Vickey 2012-03-09 17:51:49
    —— 引自第244页
  • 亲爱的,这就是生命的目的哪—去冒险吧! (查看原文)
    肿啦啦 2012-06-22 00:03:48
    —— 引自第117页
  • She knew very well that he had been shattered by her confession. He was incapable of sympathy for such outrageous, such shocking behaviour. She had destroyed his belief in her and he would never again feel quite sure of her. But he was not the man to take back the offer he had made. When of her own free will she had told him what she might easily have kept to herself, he could do nothing but respond to her frankness with generosity; he was prepared to sacrifice his career and the chance of making a great name of himself, to marry her; and she had an inkling that he took something like a bitter joy in the prospect of such a sacrifice, not because he loved her so much that it was worth while, but because his sacrifice heightened his pride in himself. She knew him well enough to know that he ... (查看原文)
    edleweiss 2012-07-07 14:58:32
    —— 引自第231页
  • “你很清楚我会取消世界上任何约会来与你共餐的,王妃。”他说。 (查看原文)
    辉夜姬 2012-11-01 14:12:40
    —— 引自第16页
  • ”我不会把我所有的本事都放在橱窗里给人看。“他咧嘴一笑。 (查看原文)
    辉夜姬 2012-11-01 14:23:00
    —— 引自第116页
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