
  • Thomas Edison valued this hypnagogic state so highly that he developed his own technique to maintain it while he worked on his inventions. While sitting in a certain chair, Edison used relaxation and meditation techniques to reach the state of consciousness that is between sleep and wakefulness. He would hold some ball bearings in his closed hand, palm down, while resting this hand on the arm of his chair. Beneath his hand he kept a metal bowl. If Edison fell asleep, his hand would open. The ball bearings would fall into the metal bowl and the noise would awaken him. Then he would repeat the process over and over again. (查看原文)
    愉曦 2022-01-20 16:47:15
    —— 引自第264页
  • Today, every school child reads about him, not only because of the importance of his scientific work, but also for the way he demonstrated that people find the truth by going within and trusting their own thoughts and experiences, not by relying on what other people tell them is true. Galileo's work opened the way to new vistas in science, religion, and intellectual and cultural history. His work changed the way we all view reality. (查看原文)
    愉曦 2022-05-13 23:19:49
    —— 引自第2188页
  • "When you want to comfort someone, don't listen to their words; the words may be misleading or wrong," Anita calmly advised me." Go straight to their heart, straight to their hurt. Their words may be pushing you away, but they still need comforting." (查看原文)
    愉曦 2022-05-15 17:43:03
    —— 引自第2226页
  • "When you had the chance to teach the truth you didn't," the voice said gently and lovingly." Then, when you didn't have the chance, you did. In that lifetime, you died for this belief when you didn't need to. You could have just as easily and successfully taught about love. At that moment, it wasn't right to force the issue. This time," the voice went on just as gently, addressing my current lifetime, "get it right." At that moment, I understood that part of my life's purpose was that of transforming fear into love and wisdom. I could not be afraid to teach. (查看原文)
    愉曦 2022-05-15 19:06:18
    —— 引自第2328页
  • Caught in the rut of everyday life, we are all sometimes so consumed with worry and anxiety, so concerned with our status, our exteriors, with what others think of us, that we forget our spiritual selves, our absolute truth, our inner power. We worry so much about our reputations and positions, about being manipulated by others for their "gain" and our "loss," about appearing stupid, that we sometimes lose the courage to be spiritual. We become too fearful to know and to experience our own love and power. Times are changing. Scientists with bold new ideas are no longer being imprisoned the way Galileo was. The struggle now is more internal and personal. The boundary between intellectual concept and direct mystical experience is blurring. (查看原文)
    愉曦 2022-05-15 19:15:53
    —— 引自第2336页