Justice的书评 (14)

yihan爱书橱 2012-11-04 17:51:20


引子 --------- 两年前,一个朋友曾经跟我说过华尔街的道德困境。因为华尔街的交易员的薪资来源于中介费和手续费,而不必为顾客赚多少钱承担风险,导致他们为了利益不顾一切的赌博,设计新的债券,兜售一切有市场的东西,并最终引发了2008年的金融海啸。 当时我不太懂这样的道...  (展开)
Alci 2011-05-13 11:24:47



整本书非常易读,但不乏深刻。在每一章开头,Sandel列举了一系列道德困境,从而讨论了功利主义者,自由主义者,康德,John Rawls,亚里士多德对“正义”的解释。而之后,又对每一种思想进行了诘问和反驳。 所有其他的评论都忽视了最重要的一点。在对自由主义传统(不管是放任...  (展开)
理一分殊 2021-01-26 11:55:19


该文英文稿发表于Encountering China: Michael Sandel and Chinese Philosophy(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press, 2018),Edited by Michael J. Sandel,Paul J.D'Ambrosio; Foreword by Evan Osnos。经原编者、作者和哈佛大学出版社授权,先在《南国学术》2017年第4...  (展开)
澜风 2015-06-23 09:54:13


I 总结 《公正》一书中,桑德尔介绍了许多评判公正的哲学观点,总的来说可以划分为三类——功利主义、自由选择和社会美德。 第一类是功利主义[utilitarianism]观点,代表人物是边沁[Bentham]和穆勒[Mill]。功利主义的主要观点是结果至上,追求整体幸福最大化,采用的...  (展开)
理一分殊 2021-01-26 11:53:15


该文是用英文写成,发表于Encountering China: Michael Sandel and Chinese Philosophy(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press, 2018),Edited by Michael J. Sandel,Paul J.D'Ambrosio; Foreword by Evan Osnos。经原编者、作者和哈佛大学出版社授权,先在《南国学术》2...  (展开)
升级版的全啊 2016-08-23 07:06:57



大一刚入学我就被此书所列举的电车难题吸引住了,得到的感想无非类似大家的短评以及公开课学生只言片语的答案。但是就是这样一本书,让你有了研究的明确方向,当你在图书馆翻阅那些千古名家的理论书时,说不上阅读无障碍,但不至于overwhelming。毕业了以后,再次尝试回...  (展开)
心台 2022-03-10 12:24:49



看哲学家分析真实社会现象和假想问题可真太有意思!征税,代孕,堕胎,征兵募兵,婚姻制度,社会制度私有化,等等。 很喜欢桑德尔分析讨论历史上关于公平正义的各方观点和相互之间的辩论 - 亚里士多德,John Stuart Mill/utilitarianism, 康德,John Rawls’ Theory of Justice...  (展开)
MW 2021-08-08 23:05:15

Justice 读后感


01 What's freedom? Before, I count myself as a staunch libertarian, detest any form of coersion from the outside. It means that "I have the right to do anything I want as long as it doesn't harm others". It goes to the extreme that even self-harm is accepte...  (展开)
西雅图的傻牛 2021-02-20 17:44:29


这是一本适合反复翻阅的书。几年前在听Sandel的哈佛公开课时就非常喜爱,收获很多。这本书则更加系统地结合社会问题思辨,很多案件与社会难题的思考在我法学院里也讲到。但Sandel 偏向于社会哲学而非法学领域,很有意思。 从著名的Richard Park (即life of pi 原型)被困在海上...  (展开)
Laurant Fan 2019-02-28 16:45:05


Justice What’s the Right Thing to Do is a thought-provoking book written by Michael J. Sandel. Just as the author says,“The book is a journey in moral and political reflection.”Through some hypotheses and real cases, readers are caught in dilemmas.Wherea...  (展开)
Joincle 2012-04-23 13:52:57

公平和正义 - 我们在哪里


Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do 是Micheal J.Sandel根据自己在哈佛大学讲授30多年政治哲学的基础上所著。本书也是纽约时报畅销书,仅在东亚销售100多万册。他的哈佛公正课做为哈佛历史上累计听课人数最多的课程,随后由PBS发行到互联网,风靡全球。Sandel巧妙地...  (展开)
温柔的鲸鱼 2012-01-08 23:26:25

a battle destinied to lose

Ever since the origin of philosophy,people have been forever pondering on what is the meaning of life.This retrospection has finally resulted in an undying effort to make a better off living.The desire for maximizing the capacity of one's life probably lies...  (展开)
pureknowledge 2011-08-21 15:43:17

Combination of intellecture thoughts


Compare this book with another book Sandel published--Justice: A Reader, it's quite easy to find out that what Sandel wants to convey from this book is an insight of several theories, but not really deep. However, it's a book that supposed to enlighten read...  (展开)
悖论入侵 2023-06-01 11:53:04

Think it through

After Nietzsche hollered “God is dead”, do we still have common truths? It partly explains the spiritual crisis of people in the post-truth era. Nowadays, the controversies take place seldom between opinions, but between truths. We can easily differ good ...  (展开)
