
  • Kimi returned for dinner the next night, and there was a single item on his vegetarian menu: raw cookie dough. Max shaved the sugary sludge off in slices and served it to his date with the schnapps. Why, after all, would anyone not eat raw cookie dough for dinner, given the option? Kimi was intrigued. Max needed so little to be happy. He was like a child. When his birthday came soon after the party, she sent a decorated box of balloons to his office at MPath, and Max was moved nearly to tears by the gesture. (查看原文)
    fm100狠狠地 2012-05-16 13:23:03
    —— 引自第22页
  • "I'm from Pittsburgh," Keith Mularski answered. Max's head snapped to look at Master Splyntr. There was no doubt who had won the carder war. (查看原文)
    fm100狠狠地 2012-05-18 17:19:14
    —— 引自章节:Chapter 33: Exit Strategy
  • 第二天晚上,基米又过去共进晚餐。马克斯的素食菜单上只有一味菜肴 —— 未经烘烤的曲奇面团。马克斯把面团削成薄片,搭配 着薄荷甜酒来招待约会对象。遇到这种情形,谁能抗拒这些生面团做的晚餐呢? 马克斯不需要太多的东西就很快乐,像个孩子似的。聚会之后没多久就是他的生日,基米送了一只装满气球的礼盒到他在 MPath 公司的办公室,马克斯感动得几乎落泪。 (查看原文)
    fm100狠狠地 2012-10-18 15:24:10
    —— 引自第26页
  • 我是从匹兹堡来的。”基思·穆拉斯基回答道。 马克斯猛地扭过头盯着“斯普林特老师”。谁是卡贩战争的赢家,答案已经不言而喻。 (查看原文)
    fm100狠狠地 2012-10-18 15:27:01
    —— 引自第222页
  • “在监狱里,马克斯有一个绰号。他用监狱的打字机写作,自办了一份电脑科幻主题的杂志,他的绰号就来自杂志中的一个词:极限幻想(Maximum Vision)。这是一个清白、乐观的名字,充分体现了他的抱负,凝聚了他的清晰思路和乐观豁达。” (查看原文)
    fm100狠狠地 2012-10-19 14:08:51
    —— 引自第20页