克莱儿·麦克福尔 Claire McFall

  • 性别:
  • IMDb编号: nm10994576
  • 职业: 作者

人物简介  · · · · · ·

Claire McFall is the author of 摆渡人, 摆渡人2重返荒原 and 黑石之墓.

Claire McFall is a writer and English teacher who lives in the Scottish Borders. Her first book, "Ferryman" is a love story which retells the ancient Greek myth of Charon, the ferryman of Hades who transported souls to the underworld. The novel has been shortlisted for the Scottish Children's Book Awards and long-listed for the UKLA (UK Literary Association) Book Awards. Her second novel, "Bombmaker", was released by Templar Publishing in February 2014 and deals with terrorism and survival.

Black Cairn Point, Claire's third, won the inaugural Scottish Teenage Book Prize and is a paranormal thriller.

A sequel to Ferryman, Trespassers was released in September of 2017.

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