Room to Dream (1)

  • Introduction
    Human consciousness is too vast to fit between the covers a book, and every experience has too many facets to count. We aimed to be definitive, but it's still merely a glimpse.

V for Vendetta (1)

  • P160
    I don't know who you are. or whether you're a man or woman. I may never see you. I will never hug or cry with you or get drunk with you. But I love you. I hope that you escape this place. I hope t... (1回应)

The House at Pooh Corner (1)

  • Ch VI
    By the time it came to the edge of the Forest the stream had grown up, so that it was almost a river, and, being grown-up, it did not run and jump and sparkle along as it used to do when it was you...

群星,我的归宿 (3)

  • 第310页
    格列·佛雷是我名, 塔拉是我的母星。 深深的宇宙是我的居所, 群星是我的归宿。
  • 第307页
  • 第1页
    虎!虎!光焰灼灼 在黑夜之林中 是何等神手何种眼力 造就了你令人惊惧的威仪? ——布莱克

北野武的小酒馆 (1)

  • 第19页
    话虽这么说,但你这个家伙到底想选择哪种人生呢? 如果您这么问,我会这样回答:虽然辛苦,我还是会选择哪种滚烫的人生。 即便是有机会让我的人生重新来过,我想我还是会选择那种会以几亿度的高温飞速燃烧的人生。
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