Introduction to Elementary Particles
David J. Griffiths / Wiley-VCH / 2008-10-13 / USD 110.002017-10-13 在读 -
Introduction to plasma physics and controlled fusion
[美]Francis Chen / Springer / 2015-12-172017-10-08 在读 -
Group Theory in a Nutshell for Physicists
徐一鸿 / Princeton University Press / 2016-5-29 / USD 90.002017-09-23 在读 -
Stellar Structure and Evolution
Rudolf Kippenhahn、Alfred Weigert、Achim Weiss / Springer / 2012-10-30 / GBP 84.992017-09-23 在读 -
Accretion Power in Astrophysics (Cambridge Astrophysics)
Juhan Frank、Andrew King、Derek Raine / Cambridge University Press / 2002-02-11 / USD 70.002017-09-23 在读 -
Galaxies in the Universe : An Introduction
Linda S. Sparke、John S. Gallagher III / Cambridge University Press / 2007-2 / USD 79.002017-09-23 在读 -
Radiative Processes in Astrophysics
George B. Rybicki、Alan P. Lightman / Wiley-Interscience / 1985-03-26 / USD 125.002017-09-23 在读 -
An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics
Bradley W. Carroll、Dale A. Ostlie / Benjamin Cummings / 2006-7-28 / USD 188.802016-12-01 在读 -
Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology : A Basic Introduction
Ta-Pei Cheng / Oxford University Press, USA / 2010-1-11 / USD 49.952016-11-11 在读 -
夸克胶子等离子体--从大爆炸到小爆炸 : 从大爆炸到小爆炸
八木浩辅 初田哲男 / 王群、马余刚、庄鹏飞 / 中国科学技术大学出版社 / 2001-1-1 / 88.00元2016-11-10 在读 -
The Cosmic Microwave Background
Ruth Durrer / Cambridge University Press / 2008-09-15 / USD 72.002016-10-19 在读