Dantepy对《Python Algorithms》的笔记(2)

Python Algorithms
  • 书名: Python Algorithms
  • 作者: Magnus Lie Hetland
  • 副标题: Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language
  • 页数: 336
  • 出版社: Apress
  • 出版年: 2010-11-24
  • 第20页
    In a way, algorithm design can be seen as a way of achieving low asymptotic running time (by designing efficient algorithms), while algorithm engineering is focused on reducing the hidden constants in that asymptotic complexity
    2012-03-13 02:25:50 回应
  • 第21页
    For timing things, use timeit.


    2012-03-13 02:31:35 回应

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