方若对《Gandhi & Churchill》的笔记(2)

Gandhi & Churchill
  • 书名: Gandhi & Churchill
  • 作者: Arthur Herman
  • 副标题: The Epic Rivalry That Destroyed an Empire and Forged Our Age
  • 页数: 736
  • 出版社: Bantam
  • 出版年: 2009-4-28
  • 21.Against the Current, 1936-1938
    Churchill rejected the conventional wisdom that movements for “national self-determination,” were voices for freedom. Since the Versailles treaty, he believed, they had proven rather to be a formula for chaos.
    引自 21.Against the Current, 1936-1938


    2017-12-11 09:54:16 回应
  • 29.Walk Alone (1945-1947)
    Nehru had always believed the Muslim League was an artificial creation of the British, as part of a divide-and-rule policy. When the British left, the majority of Muslims would surely come flocking back to the Congress. “We will all march together and ask for independence together,” he said confidently in January. “There will be a united India and there will be no problem at all.” For his part, Jinnah called Nehru “Peter Pan,” the boy who had never grown up. He saw Nehru’s program as simply a blind for establishing a Hindu majority dictatorship.
    引自 29.Walk Alone (1945-1947)
    2017-12-24 10:53:35 回应