数据、模型与决策 (1)

  • 第27页

Genetics (1)

  • 第293页
    Chromatin has a highly complex structure with several levels of organization

遗传学 (1)

读静思语学英文(下) (1)

  • 第15页
    A confused mind suffers agony, and enlightened mind feels at ease . Learn to remain undisturbed in the tumult (喧嚣,骚动 )of people and events.Remain at peace inside yourself even when busy and...

新托福考试写作高分速成 (12) 更多

  • 第97页
    if you have never had these experiences ,you can never know how important it is to have a car 98页 main body 1、使用信号词 In the first place /second /last but not least to begin with /in addition...
  • 第95页
    独立写作 范文 when people ask me by which ways I would like to relax myself ,I choose exercise. 1、提纲挈领法 to prepare for a career ,to have new experiences ,and to increase their knowledge of...
  • 第59页
    motivate students to attend class regularly attendence motivate students to attend class regularly 60页 inflation of marks 打分偏高
  • 第57页
    Prescription Drug Advertisement The author claims that prescription drug advertisements benefits patients a lot ,and therefore should be advocated . However ,the lecturer raises serious counterar...
  • 第56页
    版税 阅读概要 提高阅读能力 经济实惠 节省父母时间 讲座概要 不能互动 asking questions repetitions feedback measure and evaluate the correctness 书量有限 不利于培养感情 而是提出论据的缺点和不足 The au...
  • 第54页
    真假之争(Genuine or fake) Limestone The cause of a certain dinosaurs' death Four -day work system adding fluoride in public water prevent dental cavity destroy bacterial decrease bone diseases pr...
  • 第54页
    真假之争(Genuine or fake) Limestone The cause of a certain dinosaurs' death Four -day work system adding fluoride in public water prevent dental cavity destroy bacterial decrease bone diseases pr...
  • 第53页
    The author. The lecturer,points out the fact that grains used for producing biofuel only accounts for five percent of the total amount of food supply contrary to the author's statemen...
  • 第51页
    Furthermore additionally in addition, however. Nevertheless. 强化语法知识和学术论文写作的文体知识 听读能力 听写能力,美国之音的Special English 用词能力 找同义词 摘要能力 300-400字文章 意译能力par...
  • 第35页
    意译(paraphrase)用自己的话来复述别人的文章.观点或论述 单词替换和结构变换 简单原则,灵活原则,不走极端
  • 第21页
    it took many many meetings to build the agreement among group members about how they would move the project along. He says that the theory stated in the passage was very different and somewhat inac...
  • 第5页
    读文章的结构,用词及论证方法 originals narration 记叙文 description 描述文 exposition 说明文 argumentation 议论文
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