The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition
William Strunk Jr.、E.B. White / Pearson / 1999-8-2 / USD 9.952020-02-11 想读 -
Reflections : Essays, Aphorisms, Autobiographical Writings
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Illuminations : Essays and Reflections
Walter Benjamin / Harry Zohn / Schocken Books / 1969-1-13 / USD 16.002019-12-07 想读 -
Nationalism and Language Reform in China
John DeFrancis / Octagon Books / 1975-3 / USD 30.002019-10-13 想读 -
史学理论手册 : The SAGE Handbook of Historical Theory
[加] 南希·帕特纳(Nancy Partner)、[英]萨拉·富特(Sarah Foot) / 余伟、何立民 / 格致出版社 / 2017-7-1 / 1182019-09-18 想读