My Life in France (1)

  • 第50页
    Travel, we agreed, was a litmus test: if we could make the best of the chaos and serendipity that we'd inevitably meet in transit, then we'd surely be able to sail through the rest of life together...

Just Mercy (2)

  • 第214页
    Brutally murdering someone would, of course, require the state to hold that person accountable and to protect the public. But to completely disregard a person's disability would be unfair in evalu...
  • 第116页
    In debates about the death penalty, I had started arguing that we could never think it was humane to pay someone to rape or assault and abuse someone guilty of assault or abuse. Yet we were comfort...

冷记忆1 (1)

  • 1981年10月
    死亡算不得什么,必须学会消失。 选择似乎就在两个女人之间,一个女人很愿意向你保证,你有连续而强大的性能力;另一个女人则具有精神的神秘性,它会让任何一点爱抚都变得令人不寒而栗。 如果你不应该让某个人惦...

Into the Wild (2)

  • 第58页
    Unfortunately,as he learned too late,raising a single arm is the universally recognized signal for "all OK;assistance not necessary." The signal for "SOS;send immediate help," is two upraised arms....
  • 第32页
    He was so enthralled by these tales,however,that he seemed to forget they were works of fiction,constructions of the imagination that had more to do with London's romantic sensibilities than with t...

Here is New York (1)

  • 第24页
    Many of its settlers are probably here to escape,not face,reality.But whatever it means,it is a rather rave gift,and I believe it has a positive effect on the creative capacities of New Yorkers—fo... (3回应)
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