吾往对《The Elements of Statistical Learning》的笔记(1)

吾往 (love comes with fear by nature)

读过 The Elements of Statistical Learning

The Elements of Statistical Learning
  • 书名: The Elements of Statistical Learning
  • 作者: Trevor Hastie/Robert Tibshirani/Jerome Friedman
  • 副标题: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction
  • 页数: 745
  • 出版社: Springer
  • 出版年: 2016-1-1
  • 第407页 Neural Networks
    The clever design of network Net-5, motivated by the fact that features of handwriting style should appear in more than one part of a digit, was the result of many person years of experimentation.
    引自 Neural Networks


    This example also shows that neural networks are not a fully automatic tool, as they are sometimes advertised. As with all statistical models, subject matter knowledge can and should be used to improve their performance.
    引自 Neural Networks
    2017-02-27 05:26:11 回应