中古时期社邑研究 (1)

  • 或世界现存最早妇女结社记载

屠猫狂欢 (2)

  • 读书如何保护灵魂
    巴厘岛人在为尸体下葬做准备时,总彼此读故事,读他们最熟悉的选集里头的寻常故事。一天二十四个小时读不停,持续两或三天,为的不是分神抚悲,而是驱煞辟邪。厉鬼趁断气的瞬间、抵抗力最弱的时候侵附灵魂,故事... (1回应)
  • 如何调戏死亡wtmxs

Paul Virilio (2)

  • 73
    In fact Virilio sees these concrete structures as monuments of the inner logic of the Third Reich; they testify to a certain mode of ideological organization proper to the Nazi regime and to a spec...
  • 51
    One way of putting this would be to say that the cinematic image offers a different kind of window on the world. In The Aesthetics of Disappearance Virilio talks at some length of the way in which ...

媒介学宣言 (1)

  • 第47页
    弑父从来无碍于菊花。 这句可能的俗语,由GoT里Imp杀爹可得新解。
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