你又在摸鱼了对《Statistics for The Behavioral and Social Sciences》的笔记(1)

Statistics for The Behavioral and Social Sciences
  • 书名: Statistics for The Behavioral and Social Sciences
  • 作者: Arthur Aron/Elliot Coups Ph.D./Elaine N. Aron Ph.D.
  • 副标题: A Brief Course
  • 页数: 496
  • 出版社: Pearson
  • 出版年: 2013-7-23
  • 第170页
    First, when you reject the null hypothesis, all you are saying is that your results support the research hypothesis. Term such as prove or true are too strong because the results of research studies are based on probabilities. Specifically, they are based on the probability being low of getting your result if the null hypothesis were true. Proven and true are okay terms in logic and mathematics, but to use these words in conclusions from scientific research is inappropriate.
    2014-09-18 12:01:59 回应