山色对《The Secret Garden》的笔记(2)

The Secret Garden
  • 书名: The Secret Garden
  • 作者: Frances Hodgson Burnett
  • 副标题: Adapted from the Original Novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett
  • 页数: 224
  • 出版社: Wordsworth Editions Ltd
  • 出版年: 1998-1-5

    Martha said,

    Mother says as th' two worst things as can happen to a child is never to have his own way -- or always to have it.
    引自 XVIII

    I seemed to be the one who never have her way. Lacking of confidence, obeying too much, thinking too little. I thought parents were always right. I thought teachers were always right. I thought books were always right. I distrusted and ignored my own feelings and views. I always referred to parents or teachers or books instead of considering my own feeling even when I might feel that they were wrong and I was right. I told myself. You must be wrong. I never had my own way. I never allow myself to have my own way. And now, I must create it.

    2011-08-31 23:04:43 回应
  • XXI
    Then sometimes the immense quiet of the dark blue at night with millions of stars waiting and watching makes one sure; and sometimes a sound of far-off music makes it true; and sometimes a look in some one's eyes.
    引自 XXI

    The beauty of the world that makes you sure.

    2011-09-09 13:19:48 回应

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