Black Shoe Carrier Admiral (1)

  • Introduction
    一句话总结本书 Fletcher once told the celebrated author Walter Lord, “After an action is over, people talk a lot about how the decisions were deliberately reached, but actually there’s always a h...

Promise and Power (1)

    "All S is P but not all P is S" is how he summarizes the impression this last course made on him, citing this basic statement from set theory and logic. The basic of logic in mathematics struck a r...

The Oxford History of Britain (2)

  • The Stuarts(1603-1688)
    The Stuarts were one of England's least successful dynasties. Charles I was put on public trial for treason and was publicly beheaded; James II fled the country fearing a similar fate, and abandone...
  • The Stuarts(1603-1688)-Society and Economic Life
    The rate of population growth was in fact kept rather low by the English custom of late marriage. In all social groups, marriage was usually deferred until both partners were in their mid-twenties ... (1回应)

沙郡年记 (1)

Letters to a Young Scientist (1)

  • the path to follow
    March away from the sound of the guns. Observe the fray from a distance, and while you are at it, consider making your own fray In the search for scientific discoveries, every problem is an opportu...