安迪·沃霍尔的哲学 (5)

  • Fame
    . A good reason to be famous, though ,is so you can read all the big magazines and know everybody in all the stories 想去BOISSANO 的Riviera探访Andy 的足迹(mark) I never fall apart because I never...
  • Beauty
    我从没见过哪个人我认为是不美的。 I really don't care that much about "Beauties" What I really like are "Talkers."Talkers are doing something .Beauties are being something. 在你的风格不受欢迎的时期...
  • Love(Senility)
    Sex is more exciting on the screen and between the pages than between the sheets anyway.Fantasy love is much better than reality love. Never doing it is very exciting.The most exciting attractions ...
  • Love(Puberty)
    As soon as you wanting something you get it 在60年代,每一个人都对其他每一个人感到兴味盎然。 在70年代,每一个人开始抛弃每一个人。 60年代吵吵嚷嚷。 70年代空空荡荡。 When I got my first TV set,I stop...
  • B and I
    , Some critic called me NOTHINGNESS HIMSELF and that didn't help my existence any.Then I realized that existence itself is nothing and i felt better. After make ups , clothes make the man,I believe...

美学三书 (4)

  • 第11页
    红色——并非只是由于感官刺激而喜好,而是有更深层的精神层面的意义,也就是被人赋予了独特的含义(尤其在巫术活动中) 女娲伏羲
  • 第10页
    石器时代——装饰品:火成岩钻孔,红色(赤铁矿) 对形体的光滑规整,颜色的鲜亮,Omogenei穿在一起⋯⋯最早的朦胧的运用! 使用工具的合规律性的感受——物质生产的产物,现实 在“装饰”上的自觉加工——精...
  • 第9页
    “北京历史博物馆” MARK一下! 山顶洞人之类的洞穴小画跟欧洲的洞穴壁画没有可比性吧,我们起源得早啊!
  • 内容介绍
    果然是文革后的东东,来不来就是神马马克思= =最讨厌了 (1回应)