The Pragmatic Programmer (2)
1.1 Prototypes
The distinction is important enough to warrant repeating. Prototyping generates disposable code. Tracer code is lean but complete, and forms part of the skeleton of the final system. Think of proto... -
2.8 Orthogonality
When you bring in a toolkit (or even a library from other members of your team), ask yourself whether it imposes changes on your code that shouldn't be there. If an object persistence scheme is tra...
设计原本(英文版) (3)
One can often get something for nothing, if one has previously bought nothing for something. -
A chief service of a designer is helping clients discover what they want designed. (1回应) -
First, great designs have conceptual integrity—unity, econ- omy, clarity. They not only work, they delight, as Vitruvius first articulated.8 We use terms such as elegant, clean, beautiful to talk ...