细胞膜对《Programming Hive》的笔记(1)
第1页 无
外部表 External Partitioned Tables You can use partitioning with external tables. In fact, you may find that this is your most common scenario for managing large production data sets. The combi- nation gives you a way to “share” data with other tools, while still optimizing query performance. You also have more flexibility in the directory structure used, as you define it yourself. We’ll see a particularly useful example in a moment. Overwrite关键字 If you specify the OVERWRITE keyword, any data already present in the target directory will be deleted first. Without the keyword, the new files are simply added to the target directory. However, if files already exist in the target directory that match filenames being loaded, the old files are overwritten.
细胞膜的其他笔记 · · · · · · ( 全部172条 )
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- 人生解忧
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- 游戏之旅
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- DOOM启世录
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- Refactoring
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- Practical Object-Oriented Design: An Agile Primer Using Ruby (2nd Edition)
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- Service-Oriented Design with Ruby and Rails
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- 置身事内
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- 政治的人生
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- Streaming Systems
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- 一九八四
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- 工厂女孩
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- 禅与摩托车维修艺术
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- 异类
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