
  • 书名: Demian
  • 作者: Hermann Hesse
  • 页数: 109
  • 出版社: Dover Publications
  • 出版年: 2000-12-18
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    The insight that my problem was a problem of all mankind, a problem of all life and thought, suddenly passed over me like a sacred shadow; and fear and reverence overpowered me when I saw and suddenly felt how profoundly my very own personal life and opinions shared in the eternal stream of great ideas. This insight was not joyous, even though it somehow made me happy by confirming my opinions. It was tough and tasted raw, because it contained a note of responsibility, of the necessity to cease being a child and to stand on my own feet.
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    Therefore each of us must discover for himself what is permitted and what is forbidden—forbidden to him. It’s possible for someone never to do any forbidden thing, and yet be a thorough scoundrel. And vice versa.—Actually, it’s merely a question of convenience! Whoever is too comfort-loving to do his own thinking and be his own judge simply adapts to the pre-existing negative commandments. It’s easy for him. Others feel commandments of their own within themselves; for them things are forbidden which every respectable man does daily, and other things are permissible for them which are normally tabooed. Everyone must stand on his own feet.
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    2020-03-09 13:19:03 1回应