长不大的父母 (1)

  • 长不大的父母:如何终止家庭创伤 加藤谛三 ◆ 前言 或者孩子需要过于照顾父母的情绪 >> 所谓“亲子角色颠倒”指的是父母向孩子撒娇的行为。在正常情况下,孩子向父母撒娇才合乎情理。因此,撒娇这一行为的...

治愈隐性虐待 (1)

  • 治愈隐性虐待 ◆ 推荐序 >> 在心理学中,心理虐待是指施虐一方使用长期的精神暴力、言语暴力、情绪暴力,通过羞辱、无视、孤立、冷战、贬低、咒骂、威胁、污蔑、中伤等方式,对受虐一方的精神和心灵造成严...

蛤蟆先生去看心理医生 (1)

  • 19个笔记 ◆ 第四章 抑郁的原因 >> “我感觉自己好像没什么价值,我把自己的生活搞得一团糟。不像河鼠、鼹鼠他们,特别是獾,他们都受人尊敬,而我却像个笑话。虽然他们说我心肠是好的,也会逗人乐,还说我...

无后为大 (1)

  • -
    ◆ 第1章 自序一 是我想得太多,还是他们想得太少 nonono,人都有confirmation bias所以会合理化自己的所做所为,不管是对的还是错的。所以即使他们潜意识里后悔了也不会承认的,因为生的孩子不能塞回去。 >&g...

Men Explain Things to Me (3)

  • female nonexistence
    I think a lot about that obliteration. Or rather that obliteration keeps showing up. I have a friend whose family tree has been traced back a thousand years, but no women exist on it. She just disc...
  • o&t
    Violence is one way to silence people, to deny their voice and their credibility, to assert your right to control over their right to exist. About three women a day are murdered by spouses or ex-sp...
  • o
    So caught up was I in my assigned role as ingénue that I was perfectly willing to entertain the possibility that another book on the same subject had come out simultaneously and I’d somehow misse...
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