数学沉思录 (1)

  • 第1页 Preface
    Beneath the bewildering richness of natural phenomena there lies an elegant mathematical unity. How astonishing that the human mind is attuned to this hidden subtext of nature! Mathematics provide ...

My Sister's Keeper (1)

  • 第423页
    1. I think there are crossroads in our lives when we make grand, sweeping decisions without even realizing it. 2. It’s so easy to presume that while your own world has ground to an absolute halt, ...

Veronica Decides to Die (1)

  • 第210页
    The nature and tenderness within a world of madness----- 1. Suicide demands that people think of themselves first and of others later. 2. Two very simple reasons lay behind her decision to die, and...

西方文化中的数学 (1)

  • 第477页
    1.数学与其他领域的区别在于它自由地创造自己的概念,而无需顾及是否实际存在。 2.尽管不能肯定空间具有客观的某些特征,但是人们却能对空间进行思考,并且在科学研究中利用这种理论。 3.A.N.Whitehead:“没有什...

冒死记录 (1)

  • 第50页
    但是每个梦都和真的⼀样,所有的感觉都好像我完全清醒着, 并真的去做了这件事情,甚⾄至包括触觉、听觉、味觉。因为太真实了,以致于有时候我在醒着的时候,仍然怀疑⾃己在梦中,这种感觉让我的正常⽣活有了... (2回应)