I Heart Logs (1)

  • 第8页 Chapter 1. Introduction
    Changelog 101: Tables and Events Are Dual Let’s come back to databases for a bit. There is a fascinating duality between a log of changes and a table. The log is similar to the list of all credits...

JavaScript (3)

  • 第335页 Relaxing the same-origin policy
    In some circumstances, the same-origin policy is too restrictive. This section describes three techniques for relaxing it. The same-origin policy poses problems for large websites that use multiple...
  • 第324页 13.6.2 The Same-Origin Policy
    The same-origin policy is a sweeping security restriction on what web content JavaScript code can interact with. It typically comes into play when a web page includes <iframe> elements or ope...
  • 第323页 13.3.4 Client-Side JavaScript Timeline
    We’ve already seen that JavaScript programs begin in a script execution phase and then transition to an event-handling phase. This section explains the timeline of JavaScript program execution in ...

钱途 (1)

  • 一些摘记
    - 先改变思想和性格,再改变命运(林永青) - 当你除了钱什么都不缺的时候,钱就会自动找一门来了 - 没有充分本地化的全球化是没有发展可言的 - 创业都永远低估需要多少钱才能达到公司的目标这一数字 - 要知道,狗...

The Linux Programming Interface (1)

  • 第21页 Chapter 2. Fundamental Concepts
    * Chapter 2. Fundamental Concepts - The Linux kernel executable typically resides at the pathname /boot/vmlinuz, or something similar. The derivation of this filename is historical. On early UNIX i...

HTTP (12) 更多

  • 第215页 Chapter 9. Web Robots
    * Chapter 9. Web Robots ** Crawler and Crawling - Typically, a good root set consists of the big, popular web sites (for example, http:// http://www.yahoo.com ), a list of newly created pages, and...
  • 第411页 Chapter 18. Web Hosting
    * Chapter 18. Web Hosting ** Hosting Services *** A Simple Example: Dedicated Hosting ** Virtual Hosting - From the end user’s perspective, virtually hosted web sites should be indistinguishable f...
  • 第197页 Chapter 8. Integration Points: Gateways, Tunnels, and Relays
    * Chapter 8. Integration Points: Gateways, Tunnels, and Relays ** Gateways - A gateway is the glue between resources and applications. - Some gateways automatically translate HTTP traffic to other ...
  • 第161页 Chapter 7. Caching
    * Chapter 7. Caching ** Redundant Data Transfers ** Bandwidth Botlenecks ** Flash Crowds ** Distance Delays - Even if bandwidth isn’t a problem, distance might be. Every network router adds delays...
  • 第74页 Chapter 4. Connection Management
    * Chapter 4. Connection Management ** TCP Connections *** TCP Streams Are Segmented and Shipped by IP Packets - A secure variant, HTTPS, inserts a cryptographic encryption layer (called TLS or SSL)...
  • 第286页 Chapter 13. Digest Authentication
    * Chapter 13. Digest Authentication ** The Improvements of Digest Authentication - Improvements - Never sends secret passwords across the network in the clear - Prevents unscrupulous individuals fr... (1回应)
  • 第277页 Chapter 12. Basic Authentication
    * Chapter 12. Basic Authentication ** Authentication *** HTTP's Challenge/Response Authentication Framework - Whenever a web application receives an HTTP request message, instead of acting on the r...
  • 第257页 Chapter 11. Client Identification and Cookies
    * Chapter 11. Client Identification and Cookies ** The Personal Touch - Personal greetings - Targeted recommendations - Administrative information on file - Session tracking ** HTTP Headers - HTTP ... (2回应)
  • 第129页 Chapter 6, Proxies
    * Chapter 6. Proxies ** Web Intermediaries - HTTP proxy servers are both web servers and web clients. Because HTTP clients send request messages to proxies, the proxy server must properly handle th...
  • 第109页 Chapter 5. Web Servers
    ** Web Servers Come in All Shapes and Sizes *** Web Server Implementations ** Step 1: Accepting Client Connections *** Handling New Connections - Once a new connection is established and accepted, ...
  • 第23页 Chapter 2. URLs and Resources
    * Chapter 2. URLs and Resources ** Navigating the Internet’s Resources - URL: scheme://host/path - scheme: how - host: where - path: whwat ** URL Syntax - Most URL schemes base their URL syntax on...
  • 第3页 Chapter 1. Overview of HTTP
    * Chapter 1. Overview of HTTP ** Resources *** Media Types - MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) was originally designed to solve problems encountered in moving messages between different ...
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