
不会法语。阅读中译时,对照Paul Patton译本、James Williams、Somers-Hall、Joe Hughes的Guide,有些出入很大的地方。又见评论里有安靖与(或?)张子岳老师的指正与回应,想必这篇或许也会有用。
p.95 “差异有自己的判决性实验”/(There is a crucial experience of difference and a corresponding experiment,p.50),又见James,p.76:I have kept the additional qualification 'and a corresponding experiment' from the Patton translation. It makes sense to translate experienceby experience and experiment and to add to Deleuze's words, in order to render the two French senses of the term. However, Deleuze only writes experience. So it remains a crucial matter of interpretation since it could have been better to have insisted that for Deleuze all experience is an experiment or that some experiences call for experimentation. Indeed, by putting this degree of interpretation into his excellent translation, Paul Patton could be accused of having let down his otherwise very high standards of literal accuracy allied to clarity. Here, though, the introduction of experience/ experiment split has very strong philosophical grounds. 或许这里加个译注更好,标明法语词experience的双关:既指实验,也指经验。
p.95 “诸对象从一个交叠的视角、交流的距离……”/(Oppositions are roughly cut from a delicate milieu of overlapping perspectives, of communicating distances……)。并非对象(objecion),而是对立(opposition)。如果英译无误,那么这个错译就相当严重。
p.128 “并没有任何东西消失掉”/(Nothing, however, is lost,p.69),见前文p.122,“比如他‘无’的概念”(by his conception of 'Nothing' as well as……p.66),可知消失的是“虚无”而非“没有任何东西”。
p.139 倒数第三行起,“差异作为从一种一般差异状态向奇异状态的过度……”/(a process of repetition understood as the passage from a state of general differences to singular difference…,p.76),右见PUF版p.104,“la répétition comme passage d'un état des différences générales à la différence singulière, des différences extérieures à la différence interne - bref la répétition comme le différenciant de la différence” 这也是个相当严重的错译了,将“重复”误作“差异”了,这句本应为:“重复作为从一种一般差异状态向奇异状态的过度……”,但愿这类例子不太常见。