读了很多道理,却依然过不好这一生? 斯坦福有答案
最近几周在读的一本书名字叫《斯坦福的人生设计课》。相见恨晚的书不多,因为每个时期境遇不同,读书的吸收与共振的频率也不同。但这本算是例外,个人感觉是越早读越好的一本。对“读了很多道理,却依然过不好这一生” 这道命题给出了妥帖、科学、可行的解答。
书名:Designing Your Life(中文版《斯坦福的人生设计课》)
作者:BillBurnett & Dave Evans
比尔•博内特(Bill Burnett)和戴夫•伊万斯(Dave Evans)共同创建了斯坦福大学的人生实验室。比尔•博内特现任斯坦福大学设计项目的执行董事,他曾是苹果公司强力笔记本系列产品的主管,以及某设计咨询公司的CEO。
戴夫•伊万斯时任斯坦福大学设计项目讲师、管理顾问,也是美国艺电公司(Electronic Arts)的创始人之一。
Bill Burnett 和 Dave Evans认为,人生并不存在唯一的最优解,人生也不可能被完美规划。正如设计师不会一味“思考”未来而是主动去创造未来一样,你需要利用设计思维模式,找到自己的生活目标,集中精力,为自己创造更多的可能性,大胆尝试,这样才有可能改变命运。
1.Start where you are. 接受现状,从当下的位置开始设计未来。
2.Building a compass建立自己的人生指南针(让职业观与人生观尽可能和谐共处)
3.Wayfinding 通过记录(good time journal)分析自己心流体验(AEUIOU法则;复盘往昔高光时刻,找到自己心流体验。
4.Getting unstuck 摆脱困局。通过设想(结合good time journal做多个主题思维导图,找到自己的能量、热情、心流所指之处)
5.Design your lives创设OdysseyPlan(未来五年,你截然不同的3种生活模式)
Youchoose better when you have lots of good ideas to choose from.
You never choose your first solution to any problem.
Only by taking actions can we build our way forward.
The key is to remember that imagined choices don’t actually exist, because they are not actionable. If we burdened ourselves with knowing everthing about our decisions and discovering every option possible, we'd never decide.
Designing a career requires the ability to make good choice and live into those choices with confidence, which means you accept them and don’t second guess yourself.
Before you can do life design, you need to learn to think like a designer. We’ll explain a few simple ways to do this, but first you need to understand one really big point: Designers don’t think their way forward. Designers build their way forward. What does that mean? It means you are not just going to be dreaming up a lot of fun fantasies that have no relationship to the real world—or the real you. You are going to build things (we call them prototypes), try stuff, and have a lot of fun in the process. The five mind-sets you are going to learn in order to design your life are curiosity, bias to action, reframing, awareness, and radical collaboration. (保持好奇心、付诸行动、重新认知问题、觉知、深度合作)These are your design tools, and with them you can build anything, including a life you love.
We prototype to ask good questions, create experiences, reveal our assumptions, fail fast, fail forward, sneak up on the future, and build empathy for ourselves and others.
More ideas also equal to new insights.
One of the key element when you're wayfinding in life: follow the joy;follow what engages and excites you, what brings you alive.
to see and take the pleasure in seeing.