
安徒生的《小美人鱼》写于1836年,1837年在《Fairy Tales Told for Children(写给孩子们的童话)》上发表,1849年12月18日再次发表于《Fairy Tales(童话故事集)》。
我没有考究过《Fairy Tales Told for Children》里故事的结尾是怎样,但这周我重读了《Fairy Tales》,结局并不是以美人鱼化成泡沫结束。
"...Then she thew herself from the ship into the sea, and she felt her body dissolve into foam.
Now the sun rose out of the sea. Its ray feel so gentle and warm on the deadly cold sea foam , but the little mermaid did not feel death. She looked at the bright sun, and above her hovered hundreds of lovely, transparent creatures...
'Who am I joining?' she said, and her voice rang like those of the other creatures, so ethereal that no earthly music could reproduce it.
'The daughters of the air' the others replied..."
后面还有好长两段说美人鱼没有永恒的灵魂(immortal soul)但通过做好事小美人鱼可以自己创造永恒的灵魂,三百年后她就可以上天堂。在这三百年试炼(trial)期间,她们要飞到小孩子那里,如果遇到一个乖小孩,试炼期就会减少一年,如果遇到一个不乖的小孩,试炼期就会增加一年。
然后故事开头安徒生对大海的描写也有预示。"You might almost think you were high up in the air and could see nothing but sky both above and below, rather than being at the bottom of the ocean. In calm seas you could catch sight of the sun. It looked like a crimson flower from whose chalice all light streamed."(就像高空中上面和下面都是蓝天,你会把深海误认为是天空。在平静的大海里你可以看见上方的太阳,它像一朵深红色的花)
然后在描述小美人鱼的花园时是这样写的 "the youngest made hers perfectly round, like the sun, and planted only flowers that shone just as red."(最小的美人鱼把花园弄成圆形,就像太阳一样,种的花也反射出红色的光泽)
如果你还是坚持泡沫结局才是真结局,好吧,那你或许不知道,最早的时候安徒生给这个故事起名为"Daughter of the air"(天空的女儿)后来才改成"The Little Mermaid"(小美人鱼)。而且,在安徒生有生之年后来的版本里,他一次也没修改过这个结尾。
安徒生的《小美人鱼》写于1836年,1837年在《Fairy Tales Told for Children(写给孩子们的童话)》上发表,1849年12月18日再次发表于《Fairy Tales(童话故事集)》。
我没有考究过《Fairy Tales Told for Children》里故事的结尾是怎样,但这周我重读了《Fairy Tales》,结局并不是以美人鱼化成泡沫结束。
"...Then she thew herself from the ship into the sea, and she felt her body dissolve into foam.
Now the sun rose out of the sea. Its ray feel so gentle and warm on the deadly cold sea foam , but the little mermaid did not feel death. She looked at the bright sun, and above her hovered hundreds of lovely, transparent creatures...
'Who am I joining?' she said, and her voice rang like those of the other creatures, so ethereal that no earthly music could reproduce it.
'The daughters of the air' the others replied..."
后面还有好长两段说美人鱼没有永恒的灵魂(immortal soul)但通过做好事小美人鱼可以自己创造永恒的灵魂,三百年后她就可以上天堂。在这三百年试炼(trial)期间,她们要飞到小孩子那里,如果遇到一个乖小孩,试炼期就会减少一年,如果遇到一个不乖的小孩,试炼期就会增加一年。
然后故事开头安徒生对大海的描写也有预示。"You might almost think you were high up in the air and could see nothing but sky both above and below, rather than being at the bottom of the ocean. In calm seas you could catch sight of the sun. It looked like a crimson flower from whose chalice all light streamed."(就像高空中上面和下面都是蓝天,你会把深海误认为是天空。在平静的大海里你可以看见上方的太阳,它像一朵深红色的花)
然后在描述小美人鱼的花园时是这样写的 "the youngest made hers perfectly round, like the sun, and planted only flowers that shone just as red."(最小的美人鱼把花园弄成圆形,就像太阳一样,种的花也反射出红色的光泽)
如果你还是坚持泡沫结局才是真结局,好吧,那你或许不知道,最早的时候安徒生给这个故事起名为"Daughter of the air"(天空的女儿)后来才改成"The Little Mermaid"(小美人鱼)。而且,在安徒生有生之年后来的版本里,他一次也没修改过这个结尾。