最近读完的一本书是理查德·耶茨的<Liars in Love>(《恋爱中的骗子》)。这是一本囊括了7篇短篇小说的书,关于一群小人物,或准更准确地说,是关于一群loser们。
0. 以小孩子的视角去写和父亲拥抱时的感觉:
“One at a time we would be swept up and pressed hard into the smells of linen and whiskey and tobacco; the warm rasp of his jaw would graze one cheek and there would be a quick moist kiss near the ear; then he’d let us go.”
这种嗅觉(the smells of linen and whiskey and tobacco)和触觉(a quick moist kiss near the ear)描写得真是太美好了,一直觉得耶茨应该去写电影剧本,虽然好像电影并不能给人带来嗅觉和触觉,好可惜。
1. 听,纽约的声音:
“I don’t mean just the loud noises,” she said, “like the siren going by just now, or those car doors slamming, or all the laughing and shouting down the street; that’s just close-up stuff. I’m talking about something else. Because you see there are millions and millions of people in New York—more people than you can possibly imagine, ever—and most of them are doing something that makes sound. Maybe talking, or playing the radio, maybe closing doors, maybe putting their forks down on their plates if they’re having dinner, or dropping their shoes if they’re going to bed—and because there are so many of them, all those little sounds add up and come together in a kind of hum. But it’s so faint—so very, very faint—that you can’t hear it unless you listen very carefully for a long time.When you hear it, you’re hearing the whole city of New York.”
2. 以小孩子的视角去写哭:
"I had discovered, or rediscovered, that crying is a pleasure—that it can be a pleasure beyond all reckoning if your head is pressed in your mother’s waist and her hands are on your back, and if she happens to be wearing clean clothes.”
3. “There’s no more why to not loving than there is to loving.”
4. “He might eventually have to find a way of telling her he hadn’t really meant to say he loved her too, but all that could wait. There was no hurry, and the season was spring.”
5.“Because I mean we have our whole lives,” she said, “isn’t that right? Take you: you’ll be going home soon and going to college and there’ll be girls coming in and out of your life for years; then eventually you’ll fall in love with someone, and isn’t that what makes the world go around?”