Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Morgan & Claypool Publishers Morgan and Claypool Morgan & Claypool Morgan and Claypool Publishers
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Graph Representation Learning
William L. Hamilton / Morgan & Claypool / 2020-9-16 / USD 59.95(22人评价)Graph-structured data is ubiquitous throughout the natural and social sciences...
Essentials of Game Theory : A Concise, Multidisciplinary Introduction
Kevin Leyton-Brown / Morgan and Claypool Publishers / 2008-06-27 / USD 35.00(25人评价) -
Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning
Csaba Szepesvari / Morgan and Claypool Publishers / 2010-6-25 / USD 35.00(少于10人评价) -
Introduction to Graph Neural Networks
Zhiyuan Liu、Jie Zhou / Morgan & Claypool / 2020-3-20 / USD 65(少于10人评价)Graphs are useful data structures in complex real-life applications such as mo...
Visual Object Recognition
Kristen Grauman、Bastian Leibe / Morgan & Claypool Publishers / 2011-4-19 / USD 45.00(少于10人评价) -
Markov Logic : An Interface Layer for Artificial Intelligence
Pedro Domingos、Daniel Lowd / Morgan and Claypool Publishers / 2009-6-29 / USD 40.00(少于10人评价)Most subfields of computer science have an interface layer via which applicati...
A Short Introduction to Preferences : Between AI and Social Choice (Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Inetlligence and Machine Learning
Francesca Rossi、Kristen Brent Venable、Toby Walsh / Morgan & Claypool Publishers / 2011-7-27 / GBP 24.99(少于10人评价)Computational social choice is an expanding field that merges classical topics...
Representations and Techniques for 3D Object Recognition and Scene Interpretation
Hoiem, Derek; Savarese, Silvio; / 2011-8 / $ 50.85(少于10人评价) -
Federated Learning
Morgan & Claypool / 2019-12(目前无人评价)How is it possible to allow multiple data owners to collaboratively train and ...
Computational Aspects of Cooperative Game Theory
Georgios Chalkiadakis、Edith Elkind、Michael Wooldridge / Morgan & Claypool Publishers / 2011-10-25 / USD 45.00(目前无人评价)Cooperative game theory is a branch of (micro-)economics that studies the beha...