1 Introduction
1.1 An informal definition
1.2 The origin of pragmatics
1.2.1 The term " pragmatics'
1.2.2 Semiotias
1.2.3 Pragmatism
1.2.4 Semiotic pragmatics
2 Deixis
2.1 The egocentricity of deixis
2.2 Different uses
2.2.1 Gestural and symbolic uses
2.2.2 Deictic and anaphoric uses
2.3 Types of deixis
2.3.1 Person deixis
2.3.2 Time deixis
2.3.3 Place deixis
2.3.4 Discourse deixis
2.3.5 Social deixis
3 Conversational implicature (1)
3.1 The Gricean theory
3.1.1 The cooperative principle
3.1.2 Violation of the maxims
3.2 Elaborations on the theory -
3.2.1 Characteristics of conversational implicature
3.2.2 Entailment
3.2.3 Conventional implicature
3.2.4 Distinctions within conversational implicature
3.3 Formalization ot imphcature
3.3.1 Scalar quantity implicature
3.3.2 Clausal quantity implicature
4 Conversational implicature (11)
4.1 Relevance theory
4.1.1 Ostensive-inferential communication
4.1.2 Relevance
4.1.3 Differences between the Gricean theory and
relevance theory
4.2 The Q- and R-principles
4.2.1 Wherefore the principles
4.2.2 Evidence for the principles
4.3 The Q- 1-and M-principles
4.3.1 A neoclassic interpretation
4.3.2 Anaphoric reference
4.3.3 Some alternative approaches
5 Presupposition
5.1 The philosophical tradition
5.2 A semantic analysis
5.2.1 Presupposition vs. focus
5.2.2 As a type of lexical information
5.2.3 Factive and non-factive
5.2.4 Presupposition-triggers
5.3 Problems in the semantic approach
5.3.1 Defeasibility
5.3.2 The projection problem
5.4 The pragmatic approach
5.4.1 Holes, plugs and filters
5.4.2 Potential and actual presuppositions
5.4.3 A principled account
6 Speech acts
6.1 The performative-constative dichotomy
6.1.1 Early development
6.1.2 Felicity conditions
6.1.3 Collapse of the dichotomy
6.2 The theory of illocutionary acts
6.2.1 Three kinds of speech act
6.2.2 Some counter-arguments
6.3 Classes of illocutionary acts
6.3.1 Austin' s classification
6.3.2 Searle' s revision
6.4 A semanticist view
6.4.1 The performative hypothesis
6.4.2 A detailed examination
6.5 Indirect speech
6.5.1 A pragmatic analysis
6.5.2 Idiomatic, but not idioms
7 Conversation analysis
7.1 Turn-taking
7.1.1 Rules for turn-taking
7.1.2 The significance of the rules
7.2 Adjacency pairs
7.2.1 Insertion sequences
7.2.2 Three-turn structures
7.3 Preference organization
7.3.1 Preference in repair
7.3.2 Preferred and dispreferred seconds
7.4 A neo-Gricean interpretation
7.4.1 Pre-sequences
7.4.2 Minimization in conversation
7.5 Searle on conversation
7.5.1 The structure of conversation
7.5.2 Turn-taking "rules"
Appendix: transcription conventions
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0 有用 PROZAC 2018-03-15 20:50:55
老师曾说过,语用学就像废纸篓里拾起的珍珠,大珠小珠落玉盘一样散落在日常生活当中。正如维特根斯坦所说的“哲学的语言学转向”,从“形而上”到“形而下”的转变符合日常语境下的“语言游戏”。相较于英语,中国的老庄语言似乎更适切这种玄妙的语言逻辑。Grice、Austin、Searle、Dawkin、Sperber&Wilson、Verschueren、Kress&Van Leeuwen、Pauther&T... 老师曾说过,语用学就像废纸篓里拾起的珍珠,大珠小珠落玉盘一样散落在日常生活当中。正如维特根斯坦所说的“哲学的语言学转向”,从“形而上”到“形而下”的转变符合日常语境下的“语言游戏”。相较于英语,中国的老庄语言似乎更适切这种玄妙的语言逻辑。Grice、Austin、Searle、Dawkin、Sperber&Wilson、Verschueren、Kress&Van Leeuwen、Pauther&Thornburg、Fauconnier&Turner,这些大咖都试图回答“语言背后是什么”这个问题。以至后面的“后全球化时代”和“本土化主义”也一直在追寻语言背后的力量。处在后物质时代的我们,面对“物化”的世界,物质之后又是什么? (展开)
0 有用 PROZAC 2018-03-15 20:50:55
老师曾说过,语用学就像废纸篓里拾起的珍珠,大珠小珠落玉盘一样散落在日常生活当中。正如维特根斯坦所说的“哲学的语言学转向”,从“形而上”到“形而下”的转变符合日常语境下的“语言游戏”。相较于英语,中国的老庄语言似乎更适切这种玄妙的语言逻辑。Grice、Austin、Searle、Dawkin、Sperber&Wilson、Verschueren、Kress&Van Leeuwen、Pauther&T... 老师曾说过,语用学就像废纸篓里拾起的珍珠,大珠小珠落玉盘一样散落在日常生活当中。正如维特根斯坦所说的“哲学的语言学转向”,从“形而上”到“形而下”的转变符合日常语境下的“语言游戏”。相较于英语,中国的老庄语言似乎更适切这种玄妙的语言逻辑。Grice、Austin、Searle、Dawkin、Sperber&Wilson、Verschueren、Kress&Van Leeuwen、Pauther&Thornburg、Fauconnier&Turner,这些大咖都试图回答“语言背后是什么”这个问题。以至后面的“后全球化时代”和“本土化主义”也一直在追寻语言背后的力量。处在后物质时代的我们,面对“物化”的世界,物质之后又是什么? (展开)