苏格兰玛丽女王(牛津英汉对照读物附磁带)/书虫(书虫)的书评 (11)

已注销 2013-08-17 18:04:29 外语教学与研究出版社1997版


十六世纪的苏格兰,即使身为女王,却还是处在男权社会,做一个空有女王头衔的君主。queen was need a king to help her.在读这个故事的时候,我几次不得不停下来感慨,身在帝王家,多有不得已,纵使王位加身,却不比寻常人快乐。文中,女王几次说道 i was very angry ,...  (展开)
Lucas_yu 2020-04-08 08:55:03 外语教学与研究出版社1997版

Mary, Queen of Scots

I finally found I was totally wrong. Queen Mary of this book was the queen of Scots, while bloody Mary was the queen of England. Besides, BM was elder sister of Queen Elizabeth first. There is no doubt that Mary was tragic. Not only did she marry three time...  (展开)
虫彩 2016-03-09 00:07:43 外语教学与研究出版社1997版

Marry 1.The Queen of Scot

Marry 1.The Queen of Scot .It has some sense of tragedy of her short life.She was a lucky girl with lofty lineage and owned everything when she just borned.She once was the Queen of Scotland even France.Unfortunatly,although she's so celver,well-educated an...  (展开)
小猪 2019-06-20 20:47:35 外语教学与研究出版社1997版

书虫0002入门级02-Mary queen of Scots苏格兰玛丽女王


Keywords:lie( to sb);pretestant( you are a pretestant); Catholic; half brother; the earl of Moray; Edinburgh; petticoat( she put on a red petticoat first);executioner; Key phrase: lose the fight; put me in prison;sleep with;all day long;the story of my lif...  (展开)
2015-02-17 10:51:15

24-10 苏格兰玛丽女王

还是书虫的入门级小书,72页。还是王室八卦,这回回到从前,伊丽莎白一世的时代,那个苏格兰的玛丽女王。 英国的各种书都读过一些,对他们的历史还是一团模糊,一堆的詹姆士 查理 亨利 伊丽莎白 玛丽。英格兰与苏格兰的爱恨情仇,有时候法国还来加一脚。以前还专门看过一...  (展开)
黄振宇 2022-10-28 00:53:30 外语教学与研究出版社1997版


历史向儿童文学里的作者向来有很大的自主发挥空间,尤其是作品还加上玛丽女王自撰的前提,在保证基本情节和结局不变的情况下,里面的人物关系可谓是纯纯乱编。 玛丽女王眼中的自己:纯情女主,出身高贵,身世可怜,可爱善良,人见人喜,爱国爱民,信仰忠贞。历史上的玛丽女王:...  (展开)
云在山上走 2022-09-02 10:48:54 外语教学与研究出版社1997版

A tragedy of history

I didn't know I could read a story about a foreign queen in English. She is a real person in history. It's not hard to read. But I have to say I don't like this story. Maybe because the story was written in 1997 (?). The Queen is a poor woman. If she wasn't...  (展开)
关山月- 2021-01-09 10:20:29



读毕,静思苏格兰玛丽女王。 在1561年,苏格兰还是个未开化的国家。当年轻的苏格兰女王从法国回到苏格兰时,起初,她的人民非常高兴见到她。她的丈夫——法国国王死了,现在,她需要一个新的丈夫。可是玛丽,这位苏格兰女王是个天主教徒,而当时大多数的苏格兰人都是新教徒。当...  (展开)
Chrisyu03 2019-08-14 11:33:02 外语教学与研究出版社1997版

just record my questions


This book discrebe the lifetime of Mary who was the queen of scots. And in this book, the end of the story is sad. Because of this book is a simple version, we do not know all of her life. So I am just concerned about two points. One is church. Mary queen i...  (展开)
松芷 2019-05-09 12:04:50

The Life of Mary Stuart


1542 Mary was born in Scotland and unfortunately, her father died soon and she became the Queen of Scots. 1542-1547 Mary lived in Scotland with her mother until she was five. Then she moved to France. 1558 Mary was 16 and she married the King of France’s s...  (展开)
