
  • 在相当长一段时期内,美国的公共领域将关于奴隶制的讨论排斥在外。在争取对奴隶制问题进行公开而且不会受报复的辩论的权利的斗争中,废奴主义者把"自由意见"----即言论自由、出版自由和请愿的权利----提高到加里逊称之为"自由的福音"的一个中心位置上。这场关于言论自由的斗争同时强化了另一种认识,即奴隶制不仅对黑人的自由同时也对白种美国人的自由造成了威胁。废奴主义者声称,自由地表达意见应该是一个全国性的标准,不应受制于那些执掌了地方性权利的人的限制。 (查看原文)
    梦觉城笳 1赞 2012-07-05 16:16:19
    —— 引自第135页
  • 更适合大众读者口味的和更具有影响力的是"关于自由的两个概念"一文。这是由俄国出生的英国哲学家艾赛亚•伯林在1958年发表的一篇文笔优雅的论文。伯林写道,"消极自由"意味着不存在任何阻挡实现自己愿望的外部障碍;"积极自由"指的是一种境况,在这种境况之中,个人能够克服和超越获得自由的内部障碍,如不可控制的需求以及不真实的需要等,从而达到真正的自我实现。伯林的积极自由是一种内心世界的状态,而不是一种社会组织的形式或一种公共政策。但在50年代的气氛下,他那种极易使人误解的对自由的简单划分很快被人抓住,用来作为攻击共产主义的工具。"消极自由"代表了西方,因为西方对个人的选择提供了宪法上的保障;"积极自由"代表了苏联,因为在那里国家将自己的思想和意志强加于社会。令伯林极为恼怒的是,他的论文被广泛理解成这样一种意思,即一切干预经济决策的政府行动都属于"积极自由"一类,因此也与共产主义是一丘之貉。伯林的目的不是要否定福利国家的合法性,而是迫使福利国家主张的支持者通过经济学本身来捍卫经济平等的理想,而不是把经济平等当成一种自由的形式。事实上,当他在1969年重新发表这篇论文时,伯林特意指出,消极自由通常被用来作为剥削的通行证,经济上的不平等剥夺了人类享受自由的社会条件。 (查看原文)
    梦觉城笳 1赞 2012-07-11 15:05:29
    —— 引自第367页
  • 弗里德曼对麦卡锡时代搞黑名单的做法予以强烈的谴责,认为这是一种极不合法的对个人追求生活的权利的干扰;埃文斯则支持(政府实施的)联邦忠诚安全计划,理由是爱国主义是超验价值观中的一种,政府有权支持和助长这种价值观的生长,哪怕是采取强制性的手段。这种哲学上的分歧最终都是基于现实生活中一个无法逃避的事实之上:一个人不能在为一个不受管制是市场和永恒的价值观进行辩护同时,又保持逻辑上的一致性,因为资本主义本身就是一种深刻的反传统实践。资本主义的扩张按照自己的意图改组了家庭、社区、学校和教会,将人类所有的关系都置于账本底线的计算之下。如同卡尔•马克思在一个多世纪前指出的,资本主义市场"在人与人之间,除了自身的利益之外,什么也没有留下",当然也不会留下一个道德社会的基础。 美德和不受限制的个人选择是讨论自由的有着两个天壤之别的出发点。其中一方将社会看成一个由道德约束联结起来的有机整体,另一方却认为社会是具有自主性的个人组成的集合体。一方把现代社会的问题归咎于个人主义的泛滥,另一方则怪罪于个人自由的过分限制。尽管如此,许多保守派仍竭力寻找能弥合这些思想潮流之间的分歧的途径,这种努力至今仍在进行之中。 (查看原文)
    梦觉城笳 1赞 2012-07-12 16:44:45
    —— 引自第432页
  • It could be in fact argued that slavery made republican freedom possible, for by eliminating the great bulk of dependent poor from the political nation, it left the public arena to men or propertied independence. For many Americans, owning slaves offered a route to the economic autonomy widely deemed indispensable to genuine freedom. (查看原文)
    duckducker 1赞 2020-01-14 12:03:50
    —— 引自第32页
  • So, too, the liberal definition of freedom as essentially private and of the political community as a group of individuals seeking protection for their natural rights could readily be invoked to defend bondage. Nothing was more essential to liberal freedom than the right of self-government and protection of property against interference by the state. These principles suggested that it would be an infringement of liberty to relieve a man of his property (including slave property) without his consent. The right to property, Virginian Arthur Lee insisted, was "the guardian of every other right, and to deprive a people of this, is in fact to deprive them of their liberty." (查看原文)
    duckducker 1赞 2020-01-14 12:03:50
    —— 引自第33页
  • Much the same point was made by David Ramsay, a South Carolinian whose History of the American Revolution, published in 1789, helped to popularize an understanding of the American past as a progress of freedom. In the southern colonies, wrote Ramsay, slavery "nurtured a spirit of liberty among the free inhabitants," since nothing could excite slaveholders' opposition to British rule more effectively than fear of being "degraded" to a position analogous to that of their slaves. (查看原文)
    duckducker 1赞 2020-01-14 12:03:50
    —— 引自第31页
  • While rarely mentioned explicitly, the proximity of hundreds of thousands of real slaves was intimately related to the meaning of freedom for the men who made the American Revolution. In his famous speech to the British Parliament warning against attempts to coerce the colonies, Edmund Burke suggested that in the South, at least, it was familiarity with actual slavery that made colonial leaders so sensitive to the threat of metaphorical slavery. (查看原文)
    duckducker 1赞 2020-01-14 12:03:50
    —— 引自第31页
  • 1845年对德克萨斯的兼并以及随后不久对墨西哥大部的征服,变成了一种文明、进步和自由战胜天主教会的专断和"杂交种族们"那种天生的无能的胜利。既然领土扩张意味着"扩展自由的地域",那么那些阻挡美国扩张的人-----欧洲强权、土著印第安人、墨西哥人----统统被定义为自由的障碍。(这种将美国的国家利益与人类的解放等同起来、将反对美国的人与自由的仇恨等同起来的话语,直到今天,一直渗透在美国的政治术语之中,时常令其他国家感到困惑或厌烦。) (查看原文)
    梦觉城笳 2012-07-05 14:45:51
    —— 引自第123页
  • 人们通常认为,非白人和妇女提出的参与民主政治、拥有实现自我价值的机会和拥有自由劳动的权利等要求,只会扩展自由的界限,不会改变自由的定义。然而,由于种族和性别是美国人理解和体验自由中的组成要素,重新界定自由的范围,不可避免地要重新考虑自由的内容。如果废奴运动和女权运动所用的语言是纯粹的美国式语言,那它们就是在力图使用这种语言来转换美国自由的内容。 (查看原文)
    梦觉城笳 2012-07-05 15:16:22
    —— 引自第126页
  • 对于许多进步主义者来说,工业自由的关键在于赋予工人参加经济决策的权力,但这种参与必须在不受管理部门的敌视和不为法院禁令所干涉的情况下通过工会来实现.......这些大罢工把工人对集体谈判工资权的要求推到改革者议事日程的首位。克劳利写到"工会"将"自由的条件"带入到"工资制本身之中"........工人不仅在关于工资和工资条件等问题中有发言权,而且在有关工厂迁移、解雇和利润分配等管理政策方面也应该有发言权。 (查看原文)
    梦觉城笳 2012-07-07 15:15:35
    —— 引自第209页
  • 如果战争及其结果证明了什么东西的话,李普曼在1919年写道,那就是"传统的言论自由和意见自由并没有建立在一个坚固的基础之上"但是,尽管一些一些进步主义者反对对个人权利的侵犯,但他们,包括李普曼自己在内,对大规模地镇压公民自由的行动却表示了默认。令人更为熟悉的倾向是将战时的持不同政见与对国家不忠诚等同起来。对于进步主义者来说,公民自由基本上不是他们关心的主要问题。进步主义者往往将国家政府视为民主目的的代表,坚持认为自由来自于对社会生活的参与,而不是站在与社会隔离的立场上进行反对活动。许多进步主义者认为,对个人权利过于广泛的要求,是一种过度个人主义的症状,而后者正是他们所谴责的引起诸多社会弊病的根源。进步主义者相信通过积极使用政府权力,社会条件可以得到改善;他们对法院以"自由"的名义推翻民选立法机关制定的法律的倾向进行了尖锐的批评,但对于在多数或政府暴政的形势下如何保护少数人的权利的问题,却没有发展出一套连贯的防范措施。。从劳联到<新共和国>的知识分子们以及战争的支持者们,都把消灭社会主义者和激进分子看成是一个将劳工和移民整合进秩序井然的社会的一个必要前奏。这是他们希望出现的一种战后结果。 (查看原文)
    梦觉城笳 2012-07-08 17:36:53
    —— 引自第258页
  • 但是真正将这些"自由至上主义"保守派与其他社会批评家区分开来的是前者将个人自由与不受约束的资本主义等同起来的做法。在1956年的会议上,弗里德曼坚持认为,保守派没有必要为资本主义道歉。他强调说,自由的市场是个人自由的必要基础。1962年也就是迈克尔•哈林顿的<<另一个美国>>出版和休伦港宣言发布的那一年,弗里德曼出版了<<资本主义与自由>>一书,对主流自由主义思想提出了毫不妥协的批判。弗里德曼呼应哈耶克当年的思想,坚持认为一个不受制约的市场是最真实的"自由的表达方式",因为竞争"为人民提供了他们想要的东西"而不是政府或经济计划家们认为人民应该拥有和需要的东西。但弗里德曼的观点超越了他的导师和其他计划经济的批判者的观点,他提出将下至国家公园的管理在内的几乎所有的政府功能统统私有化,废除最低工资法,废除递增式所得税法,以及废除社会保障体制。 (查看原文)
    梦觉城笳 2012-07-12 16:22:33
    —— 引自第430页
  • Most were not only uncomfortable with liberal rhetoric but believed, in keeping with the best wisdom of their profession, that the most effective messages were simple slogans, endlessly reiterated. (查看原文)
    NewmanLoathesU 1回复 2012-10-01 22:52:13
    —— 引自第229页
  • The authors of the notion of freedom as a universal birthright, a truly human ideal, were not so much the founding fathers, who created a nation dedicated to liberty but resting in large measure on slavery, but abolitionists who sought to extend the blessings of liberty to encompass blacks, slave and free; women who seized upon the rhetorics of democratic freedom to demand the right to vote; and immigrant groups who insisted that nativity and culture ought not to form boundaries of exclusion. The struggles of such groups for freedom elevated equality to central place in the language of liberty, challenging the views of other Americans who held that equality is the antithesis of freedom. (查看原文)
    duckducker 1回复 2017-07-29 05:20:04
    —— 引自章节:Introduction
  • One could, if one desired, subdivide British liberty into its component parts, as many writers of the era were prone to do. Political liberty meant the right to participate in public affairs; civil liberty protection of one's person and property against encroachment by government; personal liberty freedom of conscience and movement; religious liberty the right of Protestants to worship as they chose. But the whole exceeded the sum of these parts. British liberty was simultaneously a collection of specific rights, a national characteristic, and a state of mind. (查看原文)
    duckducker 2020-01-07 11:47:01
    —— 引自第6页
  • The prevalence of so many less than free workers underpinned the widespread reality of economic independence, and therefore freedom, for propertied male heads of households. This was most obvious in the case of slaveholding planters, who already equated freedom with mastership, but also true of the countless artisans in northern cities who owned a slave or two and employed indentured servants and apprentices. (In New York City and Philadelphia, artisans and tradesmen, who prided themselves on their own independence, dominated the ranks of slaveholders.) And the vaunted independence of the yeoman farmer depended in considerable measure on the labor of dependent women...In the household-based economy of colonial America, autonomy rested on command over others. "Freedom and dependence," wrote... (查看原文)
    duckducker 2020-01-10 11:53:06
    —— 引自第11页
  • For a brief moment, the "contagion of liberty" appeared to threaten the continued existence of slavery...In the North, every state from New Hampshire to Pennsylvania took steps toward emancipation, the first time in recorded history that legislative power had been invoked to eradicate slavery. But even here, where slavery was peripheral to the economy, the slowness of abolition reflected how powerfully the sanctity of property rights impeded emancipation. (查看原文)
    duckducker 2020-01-16 11:57:09
    —— 引自第35页
  • By narrowing the gradations of freedom among the white population, the Revolution widened the divide between free Americans and those who remained in slavery. Race, which had long constituted one of many kinds of legal and social inequality among colonial Americans, now emerged as a convenient justification for the existence of slavery in a land ideologically committed to freedom as a natural right. (查看原文)
    duckducker 2020-01-16 11:57:09
    —— 引自第40页
  • And if personal self-development--for men at least--required pursuing economic gain in the turbulent world of the marketplace, the ho,e, now emptied of productive functions, was exalted as the site where the self could reach its fullest expression via love, friendship, and mutual obligation--distinctly non-market values. The boundary of the sovereign self--which came to be called "privacy"--was increasingly understood as a realm with which neither other individuals nor government had a right to interfere, Freedom, in this definition, lay within. (查看原文)
    duckducker 2020-01-17 07:23:13
    —— 引自第57页
  • In a democratic society, political freedom was simultaneously an individual right and a collective attribute of self-governing communities, a restraint on unaccountable authority and a form of citizen empowerment..."Freedom in this country," declared a Tennessee court in 1827, was not "confined in its operations to privacy," but was a public quality that flourished at "the court house and the election ground." No society that harbored a slave population numbering in the millions could be unfamiliar with vigorous action by government. (查看原文)
    duckducker 2020-01-17 07:23:13
    —— 引自第53页
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