Threads and Traces 短评

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  • 2 日格洞人 2013-01-16 19:55:17

    尽管能看懂的程度也就一半的样子但每看一篇神文都觉得热血沸腾。Ginzburg的书凡是Introduction基本都可以当圣经来读;第一篇从"enargeia"讲到"citation"就直接把我震惊了;Montaigne那篇也很喜欢,"distance"的想法实在太妙;然后,给Davis的Martin Guerre写的后记直接有把原著比下去的架势;然后然后,那篇Just One Witness, 真是神揭示啊><

  • 1 小红帽 2012-01-23 05:19:40

    Reflecting on the question of truth in (micro) historical writing; each essay is like a solid olive, not readily accessible from the outside but may lead to unexpected adventures of the palate.

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