The Complete Roman Army 短评

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  • 1 瑞鶴 2020-07-21 08:02:03


  • 0 科西嘉前流放犯 2013-09-07 19:23:54

    What could've been an excellent book is marred by no doubt the publisher's demand to make it more "friendly" to the general public. The lack of proper references is infuriating and the map on pp. 14-15 is somewhat inaccurate. P.S.: How dare anyone call Commodus "deranged"?! P.P.S.: too little material on the Republic and late Empire.

  • 1 朔風 2016-10-25 18:13:31

    古罗马历史专家Adrian Goldsworthy大作,就连向来苛刻的Forczyk先生都在亚马逊给了满分。可惜篇幅略短,尤其是关于罗马晚期军队的内容较为欠缺。

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