Sociologists often prefer locutions that leave the answer to that question unclear, largely because many of their theories don't tell them who is doing what. In many sociological theories, things just happen without anyone doing them (查看原文)
Sociologists' inability or unwillingness to make causal statements similarly leads to bad writing (...) Sociologists have many ways of describing how elements covary, most of them vacuous expressions hinting at what would like, but don't dare, to say. (查看原文)
Should such a theorist use passive constructions to indicate the passivity of the human actors involved? That question requires two answers. The simpler is that few serious theories of society leave no room for agency. (...) passive constructions even hide the agency attributed to systems and structures. Supposing a system does the labelling of deviants. Saying "deviants are labeled" covers that up too. (查看原文)
We agreed that the way to work with such a draft was to take notes on it, see what it contained, and then make an outline for another draft (..) Worrying about those faults might slow you down, keep you from saying something in one of the ways that would give you the clue you needed. Better edit afterward, rather than as you went (查看原文)
He showed how writers in the students' own field manipulated stylistic devices to sound "scientific", particularly noting how passive constructions could produce a facade of impersonality the investigator could hide behind (查看原文)
My theory leads to the opposite view: you have already made many choices when you sit down to write, but probably don't know what they were (...) But a mixed-up draft is no cause for shame. Rather, it shows you what your earlier choices were, what ideas, theoretical viewpoints, and conclusions you had already committed yourself to before you began writing. (查看原文)
They thought they had to work everything out before they wrote Word One, having first assembled all their impressions, ideas, and data and explicitly decided every important question of theory and fact. (查看原文)
Knowing that you will write many more drafts, you know that you need not worry about this one's crudeness and lack of coherence.
Writing an early rough draft, then, shows you all the earlier decisions that now shape what you can write. (查看原文)
There are no simple "on times."
But the timetables for these productions are loose and partly shaped by administrative whim, and people may mistakenly think that more pressing concerns -- preparing lectures or university service -- require their immediate attention. Young scholars may thus find that time has slipped away and that they have not met a production quota less explicit than that of the undergraduate years, one they let themselves ignore because the organization did not press it on them. (查看原文)
Graduate students learning to be academics know that they are not real intellectuals yet -- just as medical students know they are not yet real doctors -- and search eagerly for signs of progress. The arcane vocabulary and syntax of stereotypical academic prose clearly distinguish lay people from professional intellectuals, just as the ability of professional ballet dancers to stand on their toes distinguishes them from ordinary folks. Learning to write like an academic moves students toward membership in that elite.
Writing in a classy way to sound smart means writing to sound like, maybe even be, a certain kind of person. Sociologists, and other scholars, do that because they think (or hope) that being the right kind of person will persuade others to accept what they say as a persuasiv... (查看原文)
They were afraid that they would not be able to organize their thoughts, that writing would be a big, confusing chaos that would drive them mad. They spoke feelingly about a second fear, that what they wrote would be "wrong" and that (unspecified) people would laugh at them. (查看原文)
作者: Howard S.Becker, Pamela Richards 副标题: 如何撰写论文和著作 原作名: Writing for Social Scientists: How to Start and Finish Your Thesis, Book, or Article isbn: 7040336545 书名: 社会科学学术写作规范与技巧 页数: 194 译者:吴波 定价: 46.00元 出版社: 高等教育出版社 出版年: 2012-1 装帧: 平装