May, I miss your passionately appealing gazings and soul ---- communicating glances which once so overwhelmed and ingratiated me. Suppose I die suddenly tomorrow morning. Suppose I change my heart and love somebody else, what then would you feel and what would you do? these are very cruel supposition. I know, but all the same I can't help making them, such being the lover's psychology. Do you know what would I have done if in my coming back, I should have found my love no longer mine! Try and imagine the situation and tell me what you think. (查看原文)
我不在时你想我,有时很热烈的想我,那我信!但我不在时你依旧有你的生活,并不是怎样的过不去;我在你当然更高兴,但我所最要知道的是,眉呀,我是否你''完全的必要'',我是否能给你一些世上再没有第二人能给你的东西,是否在我的爱你的爱里你得到了你一生最圆满、最无遗憾的满足?这问题是最重要不过的,因为恋爱之所以为恋爱就在她那绝对不可改变不可替代的一点;罗米乌爱玖丽德,愿为她死,世上再没有第二个女子能动他的心;玖丽德爱罗米乌,愿为他死,世上再没有第二个男子能占她一点子的情,他们那恋爱之所以不朽,又高尚,又美,就在这里。他们俩死的时候彼此都是无遗憾的,因为死成全他们的恋爱到最完全最圆满的程度,所以这,''die upon a kiss''是真钟情人理想的结局,再不要别的。反面说,假如恋爱是可以替代的,像是一支牙刷烂了可以另买,衣服破了可以另制,他那价值也就可想。''定情''---the spiritual engagement,the great mutual giving up---是一件伟大的事情,两个灵魂在上帝的眼前自愿的结合,人间再没有更美的时刻---恋爱神圣就在这绝对性,这完全性,这不变性;所以诗人说:...the light of a whole life dies,when love is done. (查看原文)