阿荷拉和阿荷利巴(Aholah and Aholibah)
埃及的黑暗(Egyptian darkness, or?Plague of darkness)
埃及的肉锅(flesh pots Egypt)
埃及头生的(firstborn of Egypt)
哀哭切齿(weeping and gnashing of teeth)
爱你的邻舍(love your neighbor)
爱你们的仇敌(love your enemies)
安逸无虑(at ease in zion)
安息日(Sabbath day)
安息日是为人而立的(Sabbath was made for man)
巴比伦大淫妇(Babylon as scarlet woman,whore)
巴比伦的河边(by the rive of Babylon)
把脚上的尘土跺下去(shake off the dust of your feet)
巴兰的驴(Balaam’s Ass)
把炭火堆在他头上(heap coals of fire upon his head)
把鞋脱下来(put off the shoes)
把珍珠丢在猪前(cast pearls before swine)
稗子和麦子的比喻(parable of the tares and wheat)
斑鸠的声音(Voice of the turtle)
保罗和西拉的歌声(song of Paul and Cilas)
豹岂能改变斑点呢?(Leopard change his spots)
被缚的撒旦(Satan chained)
被召的人多,选上的人少(Many be called,but few chosen)
彼得看见的大布(Peter’s vision of the sheet)
必给他弟兄作奴仆的奴仆(Lovest of slaves shall be to his brothers)
彼拉多洗手(Pilate washed his hands)
必得滋润(One who gives water will get water)
毕士大池(pool of Bethesda)
比天使微小一点(little lower than the angels)
必朽坏的和不朽坏的(corruptible and incorruptible)
必追讨他的罪(by no means clearing the guilty)
饼和鱼(loaves and fishes)
伯大尼的家(house in Bethany)
薄荷、茴香、芹菜的十分之一(tithe of mint,anise,and cummin)
伯利恒的明星(star of Bethlehem)
不叫我们遇见试探(Lead us not into temptation)
不可偷盗(You should not steal)
不偏待人(no respecter of persons)
不忍用杖(spare the rod)
不是太平而是刀兵(no peace but a sword)
不晓得他们所作的(Know not what they do)
不要积攒财宝在地上(Lay not up treasures upon earth)
不要叫左手知道(be not left hand know)
不要论断人,免得被论断(Do not judge,so that you may not be judged)
不要受拉比的称呼(Not to be called rabbi)
不要妄称耶和华(Take the name of God in vain)
不要在迦特报告(Tell it not in Gath)
不义之财(filthy lucre)
才干的比喻(parable of the talents)
残废的,瘸腿的,瞎眼的(the crippled,the lame and the blind)
参孙的拖着火把的狐狸(Samson’s firebranded foxes)
参孙和大利拉(Samson and Dalilah)
参孙和神室的柱子(Samson and pillars of the temple)
参孙睡觉,醒来,活动身体(Samson sleeping,waking,and shaking himself)
尘土和炉灰(dust and ashes)
晨星一同歌唱(morning stars sang together)
称在天平里,显出你的亏欠(You have been weighed on the scalesand found wanting)
翅膀像鸽子(wings like a doves)
吃的从吃者出来(out of the eater came something to eat)
吃你们不知道的(eat that you do not know about)
吃素菜,彼此相爱,强如吃肥牛,彼此相恨(better is a dinner of vegetables where love is than a fatted ox and hatred with it)
聪明和愚拙童女的比喻(parable of the wise and foolish virgins)
从婴孩和吃奶的口中完全了赞美的话(out of the mouth of babes and sucklings)
刺加在肉体上(thorn in the flesh)
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0 有用 sleepingbeauty 2008-11-19 22:22:38
0 有用 桃梨.キララ 2012-08-11 15:37:15
0 有用 Cong 2015-12-08 22:35:41
0 有用 三尺水 2013-09-09 22:58:12
0 有用 江州穆瑾 2023-11-02 20:51:37 四川