He liked words and images. "Blue" was one of his favorite words. He liked the feeling it made on his lips and tongue when he said it. Words have physical feeling, not just meaning, he remembered thinking when he was young. He liked other words, such as "distant,""woodsmoke,""highway,""ancient,""passage,""voyageur,""India" for how they sounded, how they tasted, and what they conjured up in his mind. He kept lists of words he liked posted in his room.
Then he joined the words into phrases and posted and posted those as well:
Too close to the fire.
I came from the East with a small band of travelers.
The constant chirping of those who would save me and those who would sell me.
Talisman, Talisman, show me your secrets.
Helmsman, Helmsman, turn me for home.
Lying naked where blue whales swim.
S... (查看原文)
《廊桥遗梦》这本书看了一遍又一遍,每次看都让我要不哭一通,要不心里憋的慌,堵很久。后来好久都没有再看。前一阵方大同的《nothing gonna changes my love for you》很火,让我就又想起了它。于是熬夜又读了一遍。 想起来原来的每次难受都是因为它让你感到了共鸣,每个人心...
1 有用 华夫 2024-01-28 17:26:37 山东
是真的,好久没有读到这样使心脏嚎啕大哭的书本了。虽然没有落泪,但是心脏与头脑不知道哭过多少回了。金凯,弗朗西斯卡,我无法描述这种感受,谁都不能,你必须读才能理解。 为什么人生有那么多的束缚呢?我不能理解,真的不能理解。上帝也好,老天爷也罢,他一定体验过这般感受,然后下定决心也不让人类好过。爱啊,爱啊,爱啊。金凯只有一张纸条跟相片都坚持了那么久,我还有机会可以去见你,又有什么怨言呢?老天爷我真恨你,... 是真的,好久没有读到这样使心脏嚎啕大哭的书本了。虽然没有落泪,但是心脏与头脑不知道哭过多少回了。金凯,弗朗西斯卡,我无法描述这种感受,谁都不能,你必须读才能理解。 为什么人生有那么多的束缚呢?我不能理解,真的不能理解。上帝也好,老天爷也罢,他一定体验过这般感受,然后下定决心也不让人类好过。爱啊,爱啊,爱啊。金凯只有一张纸条跟相片都坚持了那么久,我还有机会可以去见你,又有什么怨言呢?老天爷我真恨你,为什么人就不能放开一切——一切的一切——拼搏一把呢?又是感慨万分,那是最真最纯的爱。 (展开)
1 有用 大头效应 2008-08-27 21:43:17
2 有用 空羽 2013-02-23 15:10:54
1 有用 rosemaid 2010-12-25 14:01:33
0 有用 Antares | 青空 2012-10-27 21:58:33
the highway andthe peregrine